The Journal deserves credit for printing a wide variety of opinions. They should keep on doing so. And there have been some real doozies.
One writer suggested that the Journal not print letters from “climate change” non-believers/skeptics. Unbelievable.
Settled science? No such thing, a chemistry professor friend once told me.
According to a recent National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) report, there has been no U.S. Warming Since 2005. So where is the emergency?
Some time ago, I covered some of the following in another editorial. But they bear repeating, apparently.
If everything the climate-hysterics told us could be verified, they would have more supporters. But much of it is just plain nonsense. Obama’s contention that his presidency was the beginning of the healing of the oceans and the earth was ridiculous. The assertion that British children wouldn’t know what snow is, is another. Climategate. Remember that? A very recent article points out that climate disaster prognosticators are zero for 41 in their doomsday forecasts.
Then there is the fraudulent. “Climate Researcher” Michael Mann tried to hide the “little ice age,” 1300-1870, with a phony graph that resembled a hockey stick, hence its name. He recently lost a lawsuit against a climate change skeptic when Canada’s British of Columbia Supreme court ordered him to pay all the skeptic’s court costs. Just recently Canada’s EPA equivalent “threw out actual historical data and substituted models of what the temperature should have been.” Or, to put it more accurately, what they wished temperatures would have been.
Here’s some perspective on carbon-dioxide. In a filled 10,000-capacity stadium, only three people would represent CO2. That’s 300 parts per million. Four hundred parts part per million? Substitute a fourth person. Never, ever mentioned are those studies by university agricultural departments that conclude, repeatedly, that higher concentrations of CO2 increase crop production and help the greening of earth.
But here are the kickers. The experts tell us that the earth will be hit again by an asteroid big enough to do a whole lot of damage. The earth will cool. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when we are told.
Then there are the super-volcanoes. The biggest, Yellowstone, historically has popped its cork every 600,000 years or so. It’s been more than 600,000 years since it last blew. Again, it’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. Will one of those affect the climate? You bet, big time. Compared to these two certainties, global warming/cooling/whatever, is nothing short of trivial.
In the background, are ice ages. They are cyclical. What causes them? Does anyone really know? Is there a way to prevent another one? Another one will come. Yet there is overwrought worry about “climate change.”
Hate. That was another dandy. I look at all foul-mouthed and hateful comments and loutish behavior on the left and am amazed to find it’s the right who are supposedly the haters. Sure got that wrong, especially about Christians. I give you a new commandment Christ said, “Love one another.” The left knows this but ignores it. If we don’t agree with them, by their definition, we hate. Given human nature, there is some hate on the right but it is nothing compared to that of the left.
There are two critical things that drive our support for Trump. First, is results. Trump is getting them. The U.S. economy is doing great. For lots of reasons to include decent trade deals, the reduction of ideologically driven and/or useless regulations, energy-independence, and tax reduction. Wages have and are everywhere going up, especially for blue-collar and the middle class. Trump’s positions on the border, the second amendment, religious freedom, global warming/cooling/whatever and abortion are spot-on. So are his foreign policy and national defense policies.
Second, he fights. Against leftist socialist fantasy, abuse, and other nonsense. We don’t care about any of the left’s wild and goofy accusations.
We do, however, want justice. Justice for those who attempted a coup against this president.
Democrats just censored Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) for voting with Trump, 19% of the time. Demonstrates that the left views us conservatives as enemies, not to be defeated, but to be destroyed.
J Hughes says
The following article and animation were produced by NOAA. The data is tracked through 2016. In 2017 president Trump shut down the NOAA. climate tracking sites. There are no more recent graphs from this country. However many other countries continue to track the warming climate.
These graphs are from various countries monitoring artic sea ice. The blank boxes are where US scientific graphs used to be displayed. They were shut down by executive order in 2017.
J Hughes says
Here is a year over year satellite view of the arctic sea ice decline. This is not a model. It is the actual arctic from space. Scientists worldwide are very concerned.
Greg Rendahl says
Mr. Gudmundson praises Trump for “decent trade deals,” yet I know of none that have been concluded. He gives Trump credit for small wage increases, but much of that is because 21 states raised their minimum wages this year along with several cities. However, workers are no better off since healthcare, housing, and education costs have been and continue to skyrocket.
Greg Rendahl says
When you only get right-wing news you tend to lose touch with reality. Mr. Gudmundson’s only attempt at factual information on climate change is completely wrong. 2005 was not an especially hot year. NOAA says that 9 out of 10 of the warmest years on record have happened since 2005. Strangely, Mr. Gudmundson brings up “hateful comments” when Trump is the absolute leader in that category. And most strangely of all he ends with the right-wing coup fantasy evidently about the Mueller Report. Even Fox News legal analyst, Judge Andrew Napolitano, said Trump’s multiple obstructions of justice are impeachable offenses. He also says that the Ukraine accusations are even worse.