Kingsland School Board member Heather Betts announced she will be leaving the board in the near future. Her announcement came following a closed meeting on classified negotiations strategies. Board members expressed sorrow for her departure, but appreciation for her service. Jackie Horsman said, “I’m very thankful for your time on the board, and all your contributions.”
During the open portion of the regular school board meeting on October 15, members present included Doug Plaehn, Ann Oeltjen, Leah Stier, Jackie Horsman, Heather Betts, and Superintendent James Hecimovich. Tiffany Mundfrom was absent. No members of the public addressed the board.
The board heard from two students representing the FFA club. They told of upcoming “FFA the Fun Way” event on November 2 for seventh and eighth grade students. They also mentioned that annual FFA fruit sales have recently begun. No representatives were on hand for the Key Club/Builders Club or student council.
Superintendent Hecimovich shared public thanks for LKQ Thompson Motors of Wykoff donation of $230 to cover the cost of balloons at the Community Ed Halloween Party on October 26, to be held 5:30-7 p.m. at the Wykoff Community Center. He also thanked the six volunteer Community Ed Flag Football coaches: Jen Ferguson, Chris Stier, Jared Hagstrom, James Leonard, Shaun Knode, and Jeremiah Falck.
The board passed a resolution establishing combined polling places for multiple precincts for school district elections not held on the day of a statewide election. On such an occasion, the polling will happen at the Spring Valley Community Center, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
The board decided to hold a short election canvassing meeting on November 9 at 6:45 p.m. in the conference room, immediately by the Wall of Honor Induction ceremony at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria. Sue Kolling will be the 2018 Wall of Honor inductee.
Written reports were submitted by Principal Scott Klavetter, Athletics and Grounds Director John Dols, Community Ed Direct Becky Bicknese, Business Manager Amber Uhlenhake, Superintendent Hecimovich, and the Kingsland School Parents group. As part of the consent agenda, the board approved the hiring of Nick Atwood (weight training supervisor), as well as the resignations of Kevin Klomps (transportation director) and Michael Blanchard (bus driver) and a leave of absence for Kristine Swier.
The next board meeting will be a work session on Monday, November 5, at 6 p.m. in the elementary conference room. As always, the public is welcome. The next regular meeting will be Monday, November 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the choir room. Kingsland’s auditing firm (Smith Schafer) is scheduled to present at the November 5 meeting.
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