Have you ever wondered who the Master Gardeners are? Well now is the perfect time to find out. We are currently taking applications for new Master Gardeners and our target date for applying is rapidly approaching.
Please do not be scared of the label of Master Gardener. The Master Gardeners are all about learning. So you do not need to be a master of anything to be a part of the group. You just need to be willing to get your hands dirty and to be eager to share the things you learn along the way with the people in your community. The group’s goal is not to be the best gardeners in the county but to promote healthy landscapes, healthy foods, and healthy lives in our communities.
If you are interested in joining this group, please contact the Extension Office for an internship application packet. Upon submitting the application you will need to have a short meeting with our local coordinator and submit some information for a background check.
Upon acceptance into the program, all new interns take part in the horticultural core course. This course is taught by faculty at the U of M Landscape Arboretum and Extension Educators. There is a registration fee associated with the core course. Upon completion of the course all new volunteers will need to complete 50 hours of horticultural volunteer education over the following year.
When you have everything completed you will be an active Extension Master Gardener in your community. Your active status can be maintained by completing 25 hours of volunteer time and continuing education yearly.
Master Gardeners are active individuals that make a difference in our communities every day. Please give some thought to joining this very rewarding group.
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