By Rande Gustafson
Eitzen, MN
Banning books is big news right now. Some people deem certain books damaging for children – at least for some children, so let’s be politically correct for all Americans, right?
The books making this list might hurt the feelings of certain people; they may inform about racism; they may talk about non-traditional women’s rights, or identify non-traditional family units; they may teach about sexuality, or gender identity; they may contain factual information on violence, death, and wars; they may be frightening or scary; some simply embrace magic or fantasy for readers’ entertainment. I do not know if each book ban promoter has read each book, cover to cover. Perhaps they are only self-selecting specific segments.
While I’ve disagreed with banning books, this rational made me think of a book I had to read growing up. I have fully read this book, cover-to-cover, and indeed, it meets all these standards for banishment. This book contains graphic descriptions of violence and murder. This book contains example after example of people hating each other. This book depicts horrible wars and genocide of civilians, complete cities, and entire nations. This book contains stories of adultery, sexual misconduct, incest, and even mentions bestiality. This book is filled with monsters and wild animals that attack and destroy human lives. This book demonstrates hate towards those who don’t believe a certain way or act a certain way. This book puts down religious groups. The book contains examples of blatant racism. This book speaks of family violence. This book has examples of sexism against woman. This book demonstrates massive destruction caused by climate. This book promotes socialism to all, and illustrates the horrors of capitalism and keeping monetary gain for oneself. This book mentions homosexuality. And, it creates shame and guilt in many children (and adults)!
If we are to embrace these new book banning standards, then this very popular book should be removed from all shelves immediately. There will be giant bonfires! Yes, this book is The Holy Bible.
Gerald J. Boyum says
1. This is a typical attack on the Bible and God made by atheists like Richard Dawkins!. Your follow-up comments don’t put you in that category. With some exceptions due to time and cultural differences, much of what the author is describing in the Bible can be read in newspapers, magazines, etc. Better ban them too, along with Grimm’s Fairy Tales.
2. From “Celebrate Scripture” by Peter Dettan: “Here are ten reason why the Bible is important: (my comments are in [ ]).
a. The Bible points us to God. [It answers key questions of our origin and who we are. Gen. 1:1. “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” No other ancient holy book comes close to describing the origin of the universe and us.]
b. The Bible keeps us anchored in ageless truth.
c. The Bible is the foundation of our faith. [All belief systems have a starting point or foundation that must be accepted by faith. However, for Christians, this is not a blind faith. Our faith is supported by, but not dependent on,scientific observations, laws, and mathematical calculations.]
d. The Bible connects us with our past and points us to our future. [It reveals why Jesus’ life and sacrifice was necessary; i.e., God’s plan for our salvation and destination.]
e. The Bible informs our practices, directs our actions, and guides our life. [In the Ten Commandments, God provided the standards for our behavior toward each other and toward Him.]
f. The Bible protects us from wrong teaching. [It warns us about false philosophies and prophets.]
g. The Bible is God’s written word to us, complementing God’s spoken word through the Holy Spirit.
h. The Bible keeps us from trying to create God in our own image. [People who deny the existence of God worship something in His creation, even themselves. We call it idol worship.]
i. The Bible protects us from turning faith into whatever we want it to be.
j. Reading and studying the Bible is an act of worship.
k. [The Bible identifies the purpose and meaning of life. Christian catechisms provide the answer to the question of our purpose and meaning of life. His reason for creating us was “to know God, to love and serve Him in this life, and to be happy with Him in the life hereafter.”]
l. [The Bible established the moral standards that we are to live by, and be accountable for. These moral standards are the foundations of our laws, liberty, individual rights, and political philosophy that were used to create the greatest country to have existed.]
m. Our founding documents were based on Biblical principles: Creator God, self-evident truths, rights endowed by God, separation of power due to flawed nature of man, etc.
3. The Bible is the “greatest book ever written” about the “Greatest Story Ever Told.” If it is to be banned, then what manmade book or books should replace it?
Anonymous says
Wow . The bible is the most comforting, reliable, truthful, loving books ever written. Our Creator , The All Powerful God says every knee will bow before Him. I do that willingly, before reading the bible, my guide for the day . I love my bible. I even hug it closely to myself, trying to get that much closer to my Maker, my Judge, my Father and God. Please take this life seriously. He is coming again. The bible will help you into the glorious Kingdom.
Bunny says
You need Jesus Christ. You may have read the book, but you clearly did not understand it nor do you know its Author.