One Job Done for the Year Our old rooster is resting warmly in my kettle. Today has been a big day for us all. At the farm, there are three big days out of the year which our children and grandchildren come from their homes to help with butchering our roosters. In exchange for their work, they receive some of the tasty meat for their freezers. There is a good deal of … [Read more...]
A Goodly Heritage – To Renew or To Make New Again
To Renew or To Make New Again Between the harvests of several crops and caring for our animals, farming brings a lot of repair work. Many things on the farm age and need a helping hand to renew them to usefulness. This summer has been no different for us. My husband has been busy renovating, or bringing back to life, a shed which formerly served as a chicken house, a … [Read more...]
A Goodly Heritage – Memories Come
Memories can come at any time. But today as I have been out in the garden, memories invaded my thoughts. As I picked each buttery-colored wax bean, I thought of my mother. Even when she lived with me at the age of 94, she helped me snip beans. Along with the beans, I brought in a fine bouquet of gladiolas to please her and to perk up the scenery in the house. Though her … [Read more...]
A goodly Heritage
Last month I wrote you about a true story that happened on our farm. This story has been taken from the book Tales from Heritage Farm by Randall and Wenda Grabau. The main characters are two young children, a homemaking mom, a German shepherd named Sam and a little bird. We left the story as one little girl came running into the farmhouse kitchen yelling to her mother. … [Read more...]
A Goodly Heritage
The following story is true. Due to its length I have split it into two sections. I hope you enjoy reading next month on how this tale ends. This story has been taken from the book Tales from Heritage Farm by Randall and Wenda Grabau. Sam and the sparrow It was a sunlit morning. The sky was blue. I was energized by the freshness of this vibrant, new, spring day. It would … [Read more...]
A Goodly Heritage – Special days in June
The month of June can be a busy one. The new growth in the fields affects our workloads. For many farmers who raise cattle, it is time to harvest and bale food for the animals. June is also a time of paying special attention to people, occasions and occupations. In our area of the world, June is known as Dairy Month. We highlight those who make a living at producing … [Read more...]
What is Memorial Day?
Memorial Day, formerly known as Decoration Day, is a U.S. federal holiday honoring and mourning the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. Military. This day of commemoration started in the years that followed the Civil War. It became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many people observe the day by visiting cemeteries and memorials on Memorial Day. I came from a … [Read more...]
A Goodly Heritage – A pivotal day
She sang so sweetly. This young lady smiled as she uttered the melodious love song at a Christian wedding today. The audience gave her their rapt attention. Her voice flooded the auditorium with melody. What a joy to see and hear her serving the Lord, the bride and groom and others with her voice. “I am glad you asked me to do this,” she offered as she spoke to the groom at … [Read more...]
A Goodly Heritage
In the valley Times can turn out to surprise us. They can lead us to broad meadows, a flowered beauty, or raise us to the top of mountainous splendor. Yet there are days that unexpectedly reach out to us and guide us into a valley shadowed by uncertainty, frailty, or sorrow. One just never knows what the morrow will bring. A common comment I have heard this winter season … [Read more...]
The Arctic Blast
February, though a short month, has signaled some important dates of the year. Birthdays for important individuals, such as George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, my brother, two of our daughters and one grandson, are remembered this time of year. Some Februarys make for snowy, frigid days. Others flirt with springtime temperatures. With Christmas in the rear-view mirror, it … [Read more...]
Have you ever had a project that grew and grew? Perhaps it was a job that had to be dealt with eventually, but you just did not have the right amount of time to get to it? Does that sound familiar? I had such a job awaiting my attention. Fortunately, I had set it aside in a remote room in my house. The saying, “Out of sight, out of mind” fits the situation. My job of … [Read more...]
One story of hope
Sending Christmas cards first appeared in 1843. By 1860, it had become a custom. Our family has sent them since our children were small. We outlined Christmas cookie cutters and let the kids color them, while we parents wrote a verse or message about the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Savior. We created a little newspaper format card you might enjoy. We call it … [Read more...]
One story of hope
We are in the midst of November. The end of autumn is a perfect point from which to look ahead to spring. The countryside reveals its period of rest and dormancy, a time when rebirth and renewal are just a few short months away. With the harvest ended, the land recovers. As it is now, we enter a season where hope takes us through the expectations of winter’s icy grip. … [Read more...]
A Goodly Heritage – A wonderful October
Again we have come through a time of year that when it is passed, brings a sense of relief and rest. The deadlines of processing foods from the garden before spoilage sets in have been reached. The fresh garden vegetables are settled on the cellar shelves, or they are at rest in the deep freeze. Now I can look forward to equally-pressing work that has been set aside while … [Read more...]
A Goodly Heritage – Unwanted Visitor
Agriculture is a diverse occupation. Not only do we raise crops, but we have a variety of animals. Dairy was our main product for many years. We now raise beef cattle. In addition, for our own use we raise chickens. There are many ways where farming is productive and of value. The chickens, though small creatures, do require attention. Generally, our flock is free to … [Read more...]