Matt Mohs, Houston’s city engineer, reported the results of his studies on stop signs at the February 12 city council meeting. The council had directed Mohs to investigate after citizens had shared concerns about the intersections of Chase and Spruce, Spruce and Maple and Ellsworth and Spruce. Mohs shared a document called Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control, which … [Read more...]
Lanesboro Bus Drivers Essential to the School
Bus drivers are truly appreciated by all schools and parents alike. At Lanesboro School, you might even say they are treasured! According to Superintendent Matt Schultz, maintaining their own buses has long been a priority. Lanesboro School has a large segment of open enrolled students; buses travel all over the county picking up and delivering students each day. If the school … [Read more...]
Lanesboro Schools’ Possible Calendar
February 14 found the members of the Lanesboro School Board listening to Superintendent Matt Schultz present a proposed calendar for next school year. The calendar needs to be somewhat different next year. With the passage of the READ Act by the legislature, Lanesboro needs to build in additional teacher workshop days to train teachers in teaching reading. At this point, … [Read more...]
Gina Lindeland’s Battle with Trigeminal Neuralgia
When Gina Lindeland went down to her mom’s apartment in early February 2013 crying, screaming in pain and holding her jaw and ear, neither woman had any idea what was wrong with Gina nor had they ever heard of Trigeminal Neuralgia. TN, sometimes called the suicide disease, is a rare disease that produces an electric shock like pain in the jaw to ear area of the face. Gina had … [Read more...]
Houston Considers HUDL
The February 1 Houston School Board meeting had Superintendent Mary Morem attending virtually and two board members, Nickki Johnson and Marissa Bailey, absent. Morem presented the Houston Hurricane Hero award to Heidi Wick, an MNVA math teacher, who also attended virtually. Morem joined parents, staff and students in lauding Wick for her creativity as an online math … [Read more...]
City of Rushford Village Awarded Safe Routes to School Grant
Rebecca Charles of CEDA (Community and Economic Development Associates) appeared before the City of Rushford Village Council Meeting on February 6 to present her monthly report and the news that she had just been informed that CRV had been selected for funding through the Minnesota Department of Transportation recent Safe Routes to School solicitation. Charles shared that the … [Read more...]
Rushford-Peterson Ready for 2024
The Rushford-Peterson School Board quickly completed their organizational portion of their meeting at their first meeting January 22. Board officials remain the same as last year with Chris Grindland, chair; Amy Woxland, vice-chair; Ken Sawle, treasurer; Matt Helgemoe, clerk. Meeting dates will be the third Monday of each month at 6 p.m. Board salaries were discussed. Ken … [Read more...]
A & R Poly Furniture – Furniture that Lasts a Lifetime
Abe Yoder moved to the Canton area in 2019; the previous owner of his home had had a chair shop, so Abe took over the shop and built wooden dining chairs as well. Abe was no newcomer to the business, however. He had started working in a cabinet shop when he was 17. In 2020, the furniture business slowed down during the pandemic. Abe knew he needed to add to his line to stay … [Read more...]
Lanesboro Sales Commission’s New Building
A recent land swap with the city of Lanesboro has given Lanesboro Sales Commission the space to build a new structure to house cattle in exchange for a former parking lot. The newly built structure includes a new vet facility. According to Joe Nelson, it had always been his goal to get land to put a nice structure near the original Lanesboro Sales Commission buildings. This is … [Read more...]
Houston Chamber of Commerce Reflects on 2023
The Houston Chamber of Commerce held its annual meeting January 21 at the American Legion in Houston. Director Margaret Knutson presented a snapshot of its 2023 activities. A successful membership drive ended with over 40 members for the Chamber in 2023. The Chamber received a $5,000 Explore Minnesota grant; so far some of the grant has been spent on an ad in the Visit Bluff … [Read more...]
Mabel-Canton Board Asks Decorah for Joint Meeting
At the Mabel-Canton School Board meeting January 16, Superintendent Gary Kuphal shared that he was “disappointed, but not surprised” when the Decorah School Board basically said they were no longer interested in doing anything with Mabel-Canton. Kuphal shared that he was not quite ready to give up on the situation. At the December Decorah board meeting, Kuphal was given only … [Read more...]
A Quilt for Every Veteran’s Bed
In the fall of 2019, when Spring Valley quilter Jan Poldervaard learned that the proposed new veterans home in Preston was to become a reality, she knew how she wanted to help. Jan had a vision of a handmade quilt on every one of the home’s 54 veterans’ beds. She contacted the Veterans Services Office in Preston to share her idea, and, after a three month wait, Jan got the … [Read more...]
Smooth Start for Lanesboro Schools in 2024
By Wanda Hanson The Lanesboro School Board spent much of their January 17 meeting organizing their operation for 2024. Superintendent Matt Schultz presented the mandatory Health and Safety Plan for the school. This is required as long as the school continues to receive and spend ESSER money. The plan remains the same as it has been for the past 18 months. Parents are asked … [Read more...]
Leaders Who Made the Veterans Home a Reality
More than seven years ago, a group of veterans gathered together at the Preston Servicemen’s Club in Preston to consider the possibility of a veterans home being built in Preston. At that time just one home was being considered in Minnesota. Last spring, veterans Don Gildner, Ron Scheevel, Don Brockway and Cliff Sackett met once again to share the work they did to make the new … [Read more...]
Houston School – Organized and Audited
The Houston School Board began their regular January 4 meeting with their organizational meeting to start off the new year. Little changed - Rushford State Bank was named the official depository; the district legal counsel also remained the same. Wire transfer authorization was given to Superintendent Mary Morem and Director of Finance Gwen Rostad. Once again Mimi Carlson was … [Read more...]