The Lanesboro School Board saw an even fuller house at their second school board meeting in five days, on April 11. The regular board meeting included in the agenda a discussion and possible approval of policy 404 Employment Background Checks. This time more citizens signed up to address the board during the public input section of the meeting. Olivia Holtegaard introduced … [Read more...]
1973 Dart Swinger Heading to Prom Again
Jason Hovey bought his 1973 Dodge Dart Swinger in November 1995 for $900. The rusted and beat up pea green car took Jason many places throughout two years of high school. During that time, Jason and his dad changed the motor and rebuilt the transmission. Jason’s dad, Randy, taught him how to fix anything that was wrong with the car. The Dart was a special car to both Jason … [Read more...]
Norsland Lefse Looking to the Future
When owner Mark Johnson put Norsland Lefse up for sale in hopes of retiring soon, the people of the Rushford area began to worry - would Norsland Lefse continue? Would they be able to still get their essential lefse for the holidays? When the news got around that Lori and David McDonald from Milwaukee were purchasing it, people still worried - what were their … [Read more...]
Escobar Kitchen – A Dream Come True
Teisha Escobar has long dreamed of having her own restaurant; she has been working hard to make her dreams come true. Escobar Kitchen will soon be opening - hopefully in mid-March. Once the licensing paperwork arrives from the state, Escobar Kitchen will hold a soft opening. (Keep your eyes open – a clue that it’s opening soon will be when the outdoor bistro tables and chairs … [Read more...]
Services at Your Service
Tate Bestor, a handyman with over 30 years of experience, started out when he was old enough to handle a hammer and run a saw. Tate’s father Terry, a master carpenter his whole life started Bestco Enterprises which later became Tri Core Construction. Tate picked up his handyman skills from his father and experiences over the years. In 2007, Tate went to MMI (Marine Mechanics … [Read more...]
R-P State Wrestlers Acknowledged at Board Meeting
The two LARP wrestlers who participated at the state wrestling meet were recognized and congratulated at the R-P School Board meeting March 18. Freshman Christian Zibrowski wrestled at 107 and placed fifth; senior Lauren Honken wrestled at 106 and was the first female to qualify for state for LARP. Coach Tim Tekautz commented, “I’m super proud of them both! I’m looking … [Read more...]
Superintendent and Board Evaluations at Houston
It was time for some introspection at the Houston School Board March 7 meeting; the board completed surveys prior to the meeting and publicly shared their thoughts on how Superintendent Mary Morem and they themselves have been performing as they work toward their established goals. MSBA recommends that the board should focus on three or so specific goals for the … [Read more...]
Forrest Musselman, Playwright and Theater Director
Forrest Musselman has written plays since he was in high school at Peterson. The school had a tradition of presenting class skits; when it was time for the yearly competition, Mussleman’s peers immediately turned to him and expected him to write their skit. Forrest didn’t disappoint — he loved writing plays! Forrest left high school thinking he’d like to be an actor. At Winona … [Read more...]
Spruce Street Project Gets Go Ahead in Houston
Matt Mohs of Bolton & Menk visited the Houston City Council March 11 to request approval of a resolution for preliminary studies for the upcoming Spruce Street project. A feasibility study will first be completed; maps, cost estimates and coordination with the county will be explored. Mohs will visit the council again with more visuals and presentations when the feasibility … [Read more...]
Rushford EDA Seeks Community Input
The Rushford EDA is actively seeking community input on the future plans for the newly acquired property formerly owned by Farmers Win Co-op. On March 13, the EDA heard a joint presentation by Kristin Prososki, Community Development Specialist at SEH, and Martha Faust, Brownfields Community Outreach Supervisor at the MPCA (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency). In this … [Read more...]
Lanesboro Board Approves Master Contract
In a relatively short meeting on March 13, the Lanesboro School Board approved the master teacher contract which was recently negotiated. Board member Steve Snyder said of the 11-month long process, “It was a pleasure working with them (the teacher negotiators)! We each tried to understand each other’s positions.” Board chair Christine Troendle commented, “I’m happy to see … [Read more...]
R-P Valley Chamber of Commerce Looks Forward in 2024
The Rushford-Peterson Valley Chamber of Commerce emphasized the future as they held their annual meeting February 21. New Chamber Director Stephanie Eggert expressed her thanks to former Director Jen Hengel for her help in the transition. Eggert detailed plans for the upcoming year including an Autumn Trails Event, a business Open Doors Tour and a Career Exploration Day for … [Read more...]
Rushford-Peterson Approves Post Secondary Enrollment Options Policy
Rushford-Peterson MiddleSchool/High School Principal Jake Timm and MSHS Counselor Jenny Helgemoe presented the R-P PSEO Policy and PSEO Helpful Hints documents to the R-P School Board for approval at their February 26 meeting. The intent of the policy is to get students to understand how PSEO (Post Secondary Enrollment Options) works. Timm pointed out that a couple … [Read more...]
Mabel-Canton’s Kuphal Not Giving Up
At the February 20 Mabel-Canton School Board meeting, Superintendent Gary Kuphal updated the board on the latest interactions with Decorah School District. Decorah declined to meet with the Mabel-Canton full board as Kuphal had requested in a recent letter sent to all Decorah board members. “They have resisted any effort so far,” Kuphal explained. Kuphal stated that … [Read more...]
What Does the Future Hold for VFWs and Legions?
Many service organizations and clubs have been struggling – does this hold true for our local VFWs and American Legions? Are the organizations still viable? I spoke with members from four of the local VFWs and American Legions to see how things are going from them. Canton American Legion The Canton American Legion’s membership has not lost any members recently and has … [Read more...]