“So far this virus doesn’t hold a candle to the 1918 pandemic!” declared Bertram Boyum as we began our conversation about the two pandemics he has lived through. Boyum backed up his statement by explaining that 11,000 people died in Minnesota in 1918 from the pandemic. At that time the population of Minnesota was about ⅓ of today’s population. His information was close to the … [Read more...]
R-P offically names the Charles J. Ehler Learning Center
At their regular meeting on December 21, 2020, the Rushford-Peterson School Board officially named the school’s media center the Charles J. Ehler Learning Center. Board Chair John Linder declared, “I can say without hesitation, without you we wouldn’t have gotten it (the construction of the new school) done!” Ehler humbly replied that they had been “blessed with divine … [Read more...]
Houston School Board: “Clean Audit” and COVID plans
At the December 17, 2020, Houston School Board, the recent audit done by Clifton Larson Allen was shared in a detailed presentation. The school received a “clean audit” report with no internal control finding and no compliance issues. The local property tax covers 4.89% of the revenue for the school, with 89.53% coming from the state. This higher amount from the state is a … [Read more...]
Svendsen receives Outstanding Music Educator Award
Burt Svendsen, retired R-P teacher, was recently notified via email that he had been nominated by the MSHL for the NFHS (National Federation of State High School Associations) Outstanding Music Educator. As the recipient of this award, Burt now is eligible for further national citation awards presented by the NFHS. Burt has been involved in music education for over 47 years; … [Read more...]
Houston’s OHV trail questions
At the December 14, 2020, Houston City Council meeting, the focus was on the proposed OHV (off highway vehicle) trail planned for the area near South Park. Karla Bloem, executive director of the Owl Center, had sent an email to the council about the noise such a trail might create; she and other concerned citizens attended the meeting to ask further questions. The DNR had … [Read more...]
Noticing more
Kristi Danielson-Vreeman notices more and sees more than she used to — not because of glasses or surgery — but because she’s a photographer! Small details that might have previously gone unnoticed now become subjects of her photographs; close-ups of spiderwebs become crystal creations. Kristi’s dad bought her a 110 flash camera when she was 12 years old, thus nurturing a … [Read more...]
Houston Schools – distance learning through January 8
The Houston School Board decided to remain in the distance + learning model through January 8, 2021, after careful consideration at the regular board meeting December 3. Superintendent Krin Abraham, in her COVID report, shared that the Houston County numbers for the most recent week were at 133.42 with numbers for December 10 at 112.52 (which will increase) and December 17 at … [Read more...]
The Cords family — a year later
A year ago the Jared and Erin Cords family experienced a devastating fire in which they lost their home as well as all other material things. All of the family members were able to escape the fire thanks to Erin waking Jared and Jared’s quick action to rescue his girls. The girls suffered the most serious injuries. This past year brought many changes and challenges to their … [Read more...]
Preston adds car charging capabilities
Need your electric car charged? You soon will be able to charge it in three locations in Preston. According to Joe Hoffman, city administrator, the city has joined an effort to build a statewide charging network. At this point, a level two charger is available for use at the Trail Head parking lot and a DC fast charger has been installed but is awaiting a few parts before it is … [Read more...]
Christmas in Fillmore County is coming!
The yearly Christmas in Fillmore County sponsored by the Rural Concerns Task Force will indeed go on this year. While the pandemic has made it necessary to make some changes in the format, the generous people of Fillmore County will still be able to help their neighbors. The Rural Concerns Task Force was formed by Sheila Craig of Fillmore County Extension Services, Sharon … [Read more...]
Houston Schools’ World’s Best Workforce Hearing
The World’s Best Workforce Hearing was sandwiched between portions of the regular Houston School Board meeting on November 19. Superintendent Krin Abraham presented an abbreviated slideshow presentation via Zoom to the board. Missing from the slideshow were graphs and charts of MCA spring results data since no MCAs were taken this past spring. Abraham assured the board that … [Read more...]
Houston Christmas Celebration December 5
Marlene Schultz appeared before the Houston City Council meeting November 9, 2020, to share the details of the annual Christmas celebration planned for Houston. The parade is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. with lights in the park going on at the same time so people can go through the park immediately after the parade. There will be no afterglow and no activities at the school. If … [Read more...]
Never say always
At the November 5, 2020, Houston School Board meeting, Superintendent Krin Abraham declared that you just never could use the word always when it comes to this year. After announcing the 27.86 county numbers, Abraham shared that the county would probably be at 52.21 next week. County Nurse Audrey Staggemayer has encouraged all schools to prepare to move to distant learning. … [Read more...]