Question: The other day I was going down the freeway and I saw a vehicle that must’ve missed their exit as they were backing up near an exit ramp. This didn’t appear safe and I’m going to guess illegal. What do you say sir? Answer: Backing up is not allowed on freeways or expressways, except for emergency vehicles. If someone missed their exit they would need to continue … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: I am in the process of restoring a classic car. I have a question regarding windshield wipers. Do I have to install them on my ride? I am concerned they will take away from the aesthetics. Everything from how they look on the windshield to the motor under the hood that operates them. I thought I would check with you. Answer: Yes, you must have working windshield … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: In your last article you wrote about suspended driver’s licenses. I know a person who had theirs revoked. Can you explain how this happens? Answer: Your driver’s license may be revoked if you: Refuse to take a test to determine whether you are under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance, or if you fail the test. Are convicted of manslaughter or … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: I was just talking with someone the other day and they were telling me they had their driver’s license suspended for too many speeding tickets. They also mentioned other ways a person can have their license suspended that I was not aware about. Can you write about that? Answer: Your driver’s license may be suspended if you: Repeatedly violate traffic laws. … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: Can you talk about railroad crossing safety and the laws that cover it? Answer: I have responded to and investigated a number of train/vehicle crashes in my career. A majority of them resulted in fatal or serious injuries to the vehicle occupants. In Minnesota, failure to yield the right of way, disregard of a traffic control device, improper turn and inattention … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: What allows private for-profit ambulance companies to run tax-exempt license plates on their vehicles? Answer: Vehicles owned by ambulance services specifically intended for emergency response or providing ambulance services are exempt under the Minnesota State statutes. All services must have a valid license issued by the board. The license shall specify the base … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: I have seen numerous times where a bicyclist will not stop at a stop sign, if they are sharing the road with automobiles. I have seen a couple of close incidents where the bicyclist is almost hit as well. Are bicyclists under the same rules if they are sharing the road with automobiles? Answer: There was a state law change back in August of 2023. It states, “a … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: I’m wondering about a light that seems to only be on at night on the traffic lights. It’s a small purple or blueish light that’s near the traffic lights. I’ve tried to figure out what its use is or if it’s a camera. I’ve asked other people what it means and I’ve never met anyone who knows what it is. Thank you! Answer: What you are talking about is a blue light and … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: Hello, I am looking at getting my kids an e-scooter for Christmas. I was just curious before making the purchase what are the laws and rules for these things. Answer: Motorized foot scooters (also termed “electric scooters” or “e-scooters”) have seen a marked increase in use recently, primarily due to their introduction in fleets of shared rental offerings in cities … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: Winter is here. Can we talk about tire safety and how a person can tell if their tires are still good? Answer: Winter season is a good time to remind motorists about the importance of installing and maintaining good tires. Tires must be able to carry your vehicle’s weight and grip the surface of the road properly. Inspect tires regularly for cuts, cracks, uneven … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: Who is responsible for making sure the roadway is cleaned up and free from spilled liquids, glass and other car parts from a crash? Answer: I have noticed that responding agencies and tow companies usually work as a team to treat the injured, direct traffic, investigate the crash and clear the scene as soon as possible for everyone’s safety. This is especially … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: I have some new drivers in our house. We got talking the other day and they didn’t know what “hand signals” were. Can you write about that to help inform others that might not be aware? Answer: Congratulations on the new drivers. That is an exciting and concerning time as you help them get more experience and confidence as they undergo the process. When the … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: As a visitor from Canada, can I use my studded tires in Minnesota? Specifically, driving from Canada to Minneapolis to catch a plane, then to drive home again a week later. Answer: According to Minnesota State Statute 169.72, “Every solid rubber tire on a vehicle must have rubber on its entire traction surface at least one inch thick above the edge of the … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: I can’t help but notice but it seems like a lot of people are following each other too close out on the highways. It’s been many years since I was in driver’s education but what is the recommendation for following distance? Answer: Here is information that is shared in the Minnesota Driver’s Manual. Applying the “Three-Second Rule” helps you keep a safe distance … [Read more...]
Ask a Trooper
Question: Every once in a while, I notice some vehicles stop in the road at the railroad tracks when nothing is coming. Can I pass them when they do this? Answer: Some vehicles, such as passenger vans, buses, and larger trucks, are required to stop at all railroad tracks, whether or not a train is present. Do not pass these vehicles. It is illegal to pass any vehicle within … [Read more...]