Vaping. Big buzzword lately. What is it and why is it a big deal? For a quick introduction, we’ll go through the history. Back in 2007, a couple of design students on Stanford University’s campus were focusing on ways to help smokers to stop smoking; a noble mission. They wanted to create an alternative for “health conscious smokers.” Essentially, these two created an … [Read more...]
Bats and white nose syndrome
“White nose syndrome” (WNS) may be the last thing on your mind most days. It probably is for most people. However, it is a condition that has been mentioned in the news various times since 2006-2007; if you don’t think about it, you’ve likely heard it once before. It isn’t something that affects humans directly so why should you think about it? You’re probably caught-up on what … [Read more...]
Podcasts: My favorite habit
By Sara Snipes While I usually take this time to discuss recent events in the scientific realm, this time around I thought I would share another avenue to get a daily or weekly dose of current events and, you guessed it, SCIENCE! Some of us are already familiar with podcasts, but some of us still don’t understand what the hype is or why that ‘annoying app’ on your phone is … [Read more...]
Local water source crisis: Silver carp
Fishing is a huge outdoor activity for many Minnesotans. Unfortunately, our native fish are being harmed by some unwelcome invasive species. One such fish is the Silver carp. The Silver carp, Hypophthalmichtyhs molitrix, is a species of fish that is native to eastern Asia and was imported from China to the United States during the early 1970s to help fish aquaculture operations … [Read more...]
What is CBD?
The letters CBD have been talked about in plenty of places including news stories and social media. Many companies are saying that this CBD is the “next big thing!” It could also be a generational thing as well, but I’m guessing, like I was, some of those reading this don’t know what it is or why it’s being talked about. As you guessed it, there are already scientific opinions … [Read more...]
The 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing
The year 2019 will mark several scientific anniversaries including recognizing the 500th anniversary of Leonardo di Vinci’s death and the sesquicentennial (150th) anniversary of the periodic table! However, one of the most important scientific anniversaries will occur this summer in July marking the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. While some choose to ignore … [Read more...]
How I practice mindfulness
There are many wonderful things about our society: TV, smartphones, tablets, GPS. While those things most certainly make life easier, they can also make life a tad bit more stressful. Staring at screens all day leave us with fatigue, eye strain, and poor posture while indulging in media at our fingertips hours every day leave our cortisol levels sky-rocketing from all the … [Read more...]
Management of chronic wasting disease
The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has planned two special deer hunts this month aimed at limiting the spread of chronic wasting disease (CWD). The two hunts are planned for areas south of Interstate 90 in southeastern Minnesota where residents and non-residents can hunt with a permit from December 21-23 and December 28-30. According to the DNR, reducing deer numbers … [Read more...]
Science today: Glyphosate and Cheerios — should we really be worried?
Within the past few weeks, the media has been abuzz with the news headlines similar to, “Don’t feed your kids Cheerios! They’ll be poisoned with glyphosate.” While it definitely grabs a reader’s attention, what are these headlines really saying? Can something the majority of Americans eat since the age of one year really be hurting you? What is glyphosate and why is it … [Read more...]
Your appendix: Friend or foe?
I drew the unlucky straw recently of having appendicitis. There are few things in this world that are more uncomfortable than the pressure, bloating, nausea, and vomiting related to this condition. It landed me in the ER one night and the next morning I was ready for an appendectomy (surgery to remove the appendix). It went by in a blur. It went great! However, to my dismay in … [Read more...]
Yoga In Southeast Minnesota
I’m sure you’ve witnessed millennials walking around in leggings, hipsters burning incense, and ads targeting women to “zen out.” What do these things have in common? Likely, you’ve associated these things with the practice of yoga. But chances are you don’t have a full understanding, or perhaps even have a misunderstanding, of yoga and the ideals behind this sacred practice. … [Read more...]
Bringing the science to you: Could Fetal Alcohol Syndrome be reversed someday?
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate based upon studies of health records that 1-2 infants per 1,000 live births are affected by Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, or FAS (CDC, 2017). Other studies suggest as much as 5% of children in the United States are affected by this (CDC, 2017). FAS is very descriptive in its title as it is a condition that affects infants … [Read more...]
Mental health check: Pregnancy and anti-depressants
Since beginning my own pregnancy journey, I’ve dabbled in the regular online groups, forums, chats, etc. about anything related to having a healthy pregnancy. Sometimes these places are extremely wonderful for having a support group and getting heartfelt advice. Other times it can be a battlefield when discussing controversial issues like circumcisions, vaccines, having a drink … [Read more...]
Who does the federal budget actually benefit?
As with any budget, there of course needs to be cutbacks in order to benefit another area of the budget. Even within households we have budgets. For example, do we scrap our subscription to satellite radio in order to payoff our credit card debt a little sooner? It is a highly important subject to be sensitive about and make sure it is followed fairly strictly to ensure … [Read more...]
Marching for science
In today’s political climate, there are many protests, marches, and signs declaring justice for an array of reasons. However, on April 22 there will be a new march. One that not only exemplifies the need for justice in this area, but to amplify the importance it has on our everyday lives. We are not the powerful society or humans we think we are without it. What type of issue … [Read more...]