On December 16, all Kingsland School Board members (Board Chair Jackie Horsman, Maranda Emig, Natasha Howard, Tiffany Mundfrom, Leah Stier, and Kyle Rader) were present when the board held the annual “Truth in Taxation” public meeting at 6 p.m. Superintendent James Hecimovich was absent, so Principal Scott Klavetter led the meeting. No citizens attended to ask questions, but … [Read more...]
The family that plays Spoons Buzz together, stays together
Anyone who uses a smartphone understands what is meant by the phrase “There’s an app for that,” as it seems there is an app for just about anything one can imagine. Five brothers from Spring Valley have launched their own game app, and it appears to be catching on. The Noble Bros are Philip (20 years old), Thomas (23), John (25), James (28) and Andrew (33) Engesser, and their … [Read more...]
Mabel hears request for music festival
During the Mabel City Council meeting on December 11, citizen Dustin Tollefsrud addressed the council regarding his wish to host a music festival in Mabel. All members were present (Adam Wilder, Mayor Jim Westby, City Clerk/Treasurer Karen Larson, Gary Morken, Terry Torkelson, and Kirsten Wyffels). Tollefsrud said he would like to hold the festival either on the weekend … [Read more...]
Kingsland to request County 1 speed limit change
On December 2, all Kingsland School Board members (Board Chair Jackie Horsman, Maranda Emig, Natasha Howard, Tiffany Mundfrom, Leah Stier, Kyle Rader and Superintendent James Hecimovich) were present at the board’s monthly “work session” meeting. Athletic Director Reid Olson, Business Manager Amber Uhlenhake, and Community Education Director Becky Bicknese also … [Read more...]
Ostrander to try mail-in balloting for all
The Ostrander City Council held a regular meeting on December 3, with all members present (Stephanie Start, Dan Hellerud, DJ Start, Mayor Pam Kunert, Vernon Thompson, and City Clerk Wendy Brincks). City maintenance head Jeremy Runkle was also present. Brincks shared information, including an email from County Auditor/Treasurer Heidi Jones, which explained that for a … [Read more...]
Fountain Council reverses course on truck routes
The Fountain City Council met in regular session on December 4, with all council members present (Ron Reisner, Dave Gudmundson, Chad Wangen, Terry Hanson, and Mayor Jim Schott). City Clerk Rhonda Flattum was absent, so Deb Schott recorded notes of the proceedings. No other citizens were in attendance. The council returned to a previously addressed topic of truck routes on … [Read more...]
Christmas in Fillmore County is a good way to give locally
As the name would suggest, Christmas in Fillmore County is an annual giving program that’s been helping needy citizens of the county for over 30 years. Recently, Samantha Payne (Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development) and Lynn Mensink (Outreach Case Manager, Semcac) sat down to tell about the program, and its history. Mensink stated, “The Rural Concerns Taskforce … [Read more...]
Preston Lions Club celebrates 75 years
In the grasslands of Africa, a group of lions is called a “pride.” The term “pride” also definitely fits when talking about a group of Lions that prowl the Preston area. The local Lions Club has been proudly serving since 1944, and on November 22, 2019, they held an open house for the community to help commemorate their milestone anniversary. The event included refreshments … [Read more...]
Spring Valley Library donation bins removed
Spring Valley City Council held a regular meeting on November 25. Members present included Mayor Tony Archer, Luan Ruesink, Chris Danielson, John Dols, and City Administrator Deb Zimmer. Mike Hadland was in his sheriff’s department uniform, so although he was in the room, he was not performing in his role on the council. No citizens asked to address the council. Library … [Read more...]
Kingsland audit yields clean report
During the regular board meeting on November 20, the Kingsland School Board heard a summary of the recent financial audit. All board members were in attendance (board chair Jackie Horsman, Maranda Emig, Natasha Howard, Tiffany Mundfrom, Leah Stier, and Kyle Rader) as well as Superintendent James Hecimovich, Business Manager Amber Uhlenhake, Principal Scott Klavetter, and … [Read more...]
Melander embezzlement omnibus hearing set for January
Lolitta Melander, 52, of Lanesboro, is facing charges including embezzlement of public funds and other felonies, related to allegations that she misappropriated funds during her time as city clerk/treasurer for the City of Canton. In March 2019, Melander resigned her position for the City of Canton, and was replaced by Brock Bergey. The City of Canton issued a news … [Read more...]
Ostrander sets brush dump hours
The Ostrander City Council held a regular meeting on November 12, with all members present (Stephanie Start, Dan Hellerud, DJ Start, Mayor Pam Kunert, Vernon Thompson, and City Clerk Wendy Brincks). The council formally approved the canvassing of the recent special election, in which Dan Hellerud won for city council. Ostrander’s city maintenance director, Jeremy Runkle, … [Read more...]
Mabel to accept credit/debit card payments
The Mabel City Council held a regular council meeting on November 13. All members were present (Adam Wilder, Mayor Jim Westby, City Clerk/Treasurer Karen Larson, Gary Morken, Terry Torkelson, and Kirsten Wyffels). Deputy Clerk Brooke Harmening addressed the council to ask them to consider approving a system in which citizens could make payments to the city using debit or … [Read more...]
Spring Valley raises sewer rate
With a light agenda, the Spring Valley City Council held a very brief regular meeting on November 13. Members present included Mayor Tony Archer, Chris Danielson, John Dols, Mike Hadland and City Administrator Deb Zimmer. Luan Ruesink was absent. No citizens asked to address the council. The council chambers has a large tarp covering the east wall, as it is in the process … [Read more...]
Wall of Honor inducts Greg Davids
Longtime State Representative Greg Davids was honored November 1 as the 2019 inductee into the Kingsland School Wall of Honor. A crowd estimated at 55 was on hand in the Kingsland Café to see Davids added. The Wall of Honor, which started in 2008, has added one honoree each year, making Davids the 12th graduate of Kingsland/Spring Valley/Wykoff on the wall. Student Emily … [Read more...]