Library Board president, Joel Huebner, addressed the Spring Valley City Council during their May 13 meeting to share information about a grant opportunity. “We’ve been working on a grant that is due on the 15th (of May) and because the city owns the building the grant company wants you to sign off on the grant request,” Huebner explained. “What we are looking for is a grant of … [Read more...]
Spring Valley Downtown Project to Move to Next Phase, Sewer Rates to See Increase
Last year the Spring Valley Business Alliance asked the Spring Valley City Council to allow them to try temporary seating areas at the end of each block downtown in order to ease the flow of traffic, prevent wrong way driving and to beautify the downtown. After a successful concept test last year with temporary barricades, the city and the alliance have been moving forward … [Read more...]
Spring Valley Parks and Rec in Need of Lifeguards and Coaches
At their April 8 meeting, the Spring Valley City Council learned the city’s Parks and Rec program, like so many around the country, is struggling to find interested applicants for the lifeguard and summer rec coaching departments. “We do have a WSI (water safety instructor) hired so we are set for swimming lessons for sure. I’m not sure if the pool is going to open yet … [Read more...]
Spring Valley Council Reviews Audit and New Ordinance
As the community enjoyed the warm weather, the Spring Valley City Council welcomed Kali Lentz of Smith Schafer as she shared the annual audit report. According the Lentz, the city received and unmodified clean opinion for the 2023 audit. The audit showed the general property tax levy represented 39% of the total revenues for the year with $1,676,686 in tax collections. The … [Read more...]
Spring Valley Looks Toward Future of WWTP
The Spring Valley City Council kicked off their February 12 meeting with a hearing to review the wastewater treatment plant’s (WWTP) plans for the future. While the council has long known and planned for the WWTP upgrade project, it now has a definite deadline of January 1, 2031, due to Minnesota Pollution Control Agency’s (MPCA) compliance schedules. Drew Weber and Jake … [Read more...]
Spring Valley City Council Rings In New Year With Annual Business And Updates
On Monday, January 8, the Spring Valley City Council made quick work of their annual resolutions at their first meeting of the year. The Fillmore County Journal was named the official newspaper. Security State Bank, Home Federal Savings Bank, First State Bank and First National Bank were designated as the official depository of city funds with Home Federal Savings Bank being … [Read more...]
As Some Projects Wind Down, Others Ramp Up in Spring Valley
At their November 13 meeting, the Spring Valley City Council heard from Drew Weber, of Bolton and Menk, as he proposed reconstructing the blower room in the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP). In September the council approved the purchase of six new blowers. Weber suggested the council also consider reconfiguring the blower room to make it more accessible. “This was … [Read more...]
Spring Valley Council Hears From Business Alliance
On October 9, the Spring Valley, Minn., City Council heard from Dan Freeman, of the Spring Valley Business Alliance, to consider future plans for the group’s proposed Broadway Project. In May, Freeman approached the council with the idea of the Broadway Project. At that time he explained, “The Broadway Project is an effort by the alliance to make downtown Spring Valley … [Read more...]
SMIF Thanks Spring Valley Council for Support, Preliminary Tax Levy Set
Andi Arnold, of the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF), addressed the Spring Valley City Council at their September 25 meeting. “We wanted to thank you guys for your continued support. Spring Valley is a huge supporter and we are grateful to you guys,” Arnold expressed. “You are just a great community.” SMIF serves a 20-county region within Southern Minnesota … [Read more...]
Upcoming Benefit for Tom and Kim Mosher, Who Lost Their Home to a Fire
What started out as a fun-filled Labor Day weekend ended in tragedy for Spring Valley couple Tom and Kim Mosher. As part of their family tradition, Kim, her sisters and their children spent much of the weekend at Forestville State Park. Tom spent the day enjoying a motorcycle ride and then he and his son-in-law Emery Swartzentruber joined the family around 4 p.m. Just over … [Read more...]
Spring Valley Budget Requests See Increases as Costs Rise
At their August 14 meeting, the Spring Valley City Council entered the season of budgets as they reviewed the annual department budget requests. This is the first step in the budget process as they will be set later in the year. Within the legislative department, City Administrator Deb Zimmer noted a $200 decrease in the liability insurance. Due to it being an election year … [Read more...]
Spring Valley battles noise with new ordinance
On July 10, the Spring Valley City Council held a public hearing prior to their regular meeting to discuss the proposed noise ordinance. The ordinance states “it is unlawful for any person to make, continue or cause to be made or continued any excessive, unnecessary or unusually loud noise or any noise which either annoys, disturbs, injures or endangers the comfort, repose, … [Read more...]
Broadway Project moves into design phase
Discussions continue for the proposed Broadway Project during the June 12 Spring Valley City Council meeting. During the council’s previous meeting, Spring Valley Business Alliance representative Dan Freeman approached the council to propose the creation of temporary seating areas throughout the downtown area in order to restrict the flow of traffic, making the area safer for … [Read more...]
Proposals and bonds top Spring Valley agenda
Prior to their May 8 meeting, the Spring Valley City Council held a tax abatement public hearing. Mike Bubany, of David Drown Associates, explained, “Last time I was here I presented bond recommendations for financing your street project this year. One of the things we talked about is what statutory authority to issue the debt. Cities have a lot of flexibility in how they … [Read more...]
Area farmers learn to celebrate culture, family during Mexico trip
Local dairy farmers recently had the unique opportunity, though Puentes/Bridges, to see life from a new perspective as they traveled to Mexico to meet with their employees’ families and immerse themselves in the culture. On Monday, April 17, the Preston Lions hosted farmers Michael Johnson of Fountain, Cole Hoscheit of Caledonia and Puentes/Bridges President Mercedes Falk to … [Read more...]