Each summer University of Minnesota Extension holds a series of on-farm dairy field days that showcase some of the most successful dairy farms our state has to offer. These field days focus on a range of topics from barn designs to dry cow management. The field days are great opportunities for local producers and the general public to learn from University experts and most … [Read more...]
Youth Tractor & Farm Safety Certification
The University of Minnesota Extension is pleased to announce the new and improved Youth Tractor & Farm Safety Certification Program. This program is designed to provide youth ages 14 years old and older the opportunity to learn how to safely operate equipment above 20 horse power. The Youth Tractor & Farm Safety Certification Program includes an online learning … [Read more...]
Women in Agriculture Network to offer “Becoming a Preferred Employer” in April
By Michael Cruse Extension Educator for Fillmore and Houston Counties Women in Agriculture Network (WAGN) is excited to announce its April seminar: “Becoming a Preferred Employer.” The event will take place April 4, 2017 at the Heintz Center in Rochester, Minn., (1926 Collegeview Rd E, Rochester, MN 55904). Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. and the program runs from … [Read more...]
Thank you Master Gardener volunteers
From county fairs to safety programs, the local Extension office relies heavily on volunteers to accomplish the work that we do. Two groups of volunteers that I have the pleasure of working with on a regular basis are the Fillmore and Houston County Master Gardeners. These volunteers give significant amounts of their free time to the people of our area and through the education … [Read more...]
Protect your health when working in the cold
Cold weather presents a unique set of challenges for those who have to work outside, including our farmer producers. No matter how cold it gets, animals need feed and water, snow has to be moved and grain has to be shipped. While most producers have ways of remaining productive during the winter months, it never hurts to remind ourselves of some important cold weather … [Read more...]
2016 Transitioning to Organic workshops December 7
Registration is now open for the second series of Transitioning to Organic orkshops hosted by the University of Minnesota. Our local meeting will be held Wednesday, December 7, 2016 in room HB117 of the Heintz Center in Rochester, Minn. This is a free, one-day workshop that will build on the information presented in the first series of workshops hosted last year. The … [Read more...]
Community is one reason I live in the Midwest
There are many reasons why I live in the Midwest and the strength of our local communities is one of the primary ones. Community strength can be seen in many ways, but one of the most profound is when you see neighbors helping neighbors who are in need. On August 23, 2016 our neighbors in northeast Iowa experienced an historic flood. The area received intense rainfall … [Read more...]
No Seat? No Rider
Tractor rollovers and runovers are consistently among the top causes of on-farm injury and death. The risk for severe injury from rollovers and runovers is especially high for extra riders who do not have a designated seat. So the message is very simple. If your farm equipment – tractors, combines, etc. – does not have an instructor’s seat in addition to the operator’s chair, … [Read more...]
Compaction a concern for fall field work
Healthy soils are the foundation of our cropping systems. One of the most important attributes of a healthy soil is good soil structure. Due to the excess rainfall we have received this summer, the soil structure of our local farm fields is at risk of being destroyed by compaction this fall. Soil compaction refers to a reduction in soil pore space. Healthy soils have a … [Read more...]
Fall safety concerns in agricultural communities
The beginning of fall signals the beginning of many exciting things: schools are back in session, local sports begin, new hunting seasons are right around the corner and fall crop harvest is beginning. While these activities can be exciting, there are a number of dangers that this time of year brings as well. • Kids are back in school. Kids can be unpredictable. They like to … [Read more...]
Root River noxious weeds: Japanese hops
Extension Educator for Fillmore and Houston Counties When most people hear the word hops, they think of the common hop used for brewing beer. But over the past five to ten years a related species, Japanese Hops, has been invading the local waterways of southeastern Minnesota. Japanese hops is native to eastern Asia and was originally brought to North America as an … [Read more...]