Cities have until November 15 to submit their expenditures that qualify for CARES Act funding. At the November 9 Chatfield City Council meeting, November CARES expenditures were approved. Councilors John McBroom and Mike Urban were absent. Top of the list of expenditures was a telephone system upgrade at a cost of $19,135. Door lock repairs and the reconstruction of the city … [Read more...]
Fillmore County extends state of emergency
At the November 3 Fillmore County Board meeting the peacetime State of Emergency for continuing operations for COVID-19 was extended through December 1. The extension of the State of Emergency allows the county to continue telecommuting. It provides links to COVID related funding. County Administrator Bobbie Hillery commented that COVID is not going away, “There were 45 new … [Read more...]
Preston approves housing incentive applications
At the November 2 Preston City Council meeting, the council was short one member. Council member Holly Zuck submitted her resignation effective October 27. The council accepted her resignation with thanks for her service. A plaque will be prepared recognizing her years of service to the community. The Zucks are moving out of the Preston community. Cathy Enerson, EDA, … [Read more...]
Chatfield pavement management program
Tim Schoonhoven, Widseth engineer, encouraged the Chatfield City Council to manage the city’s street infrastructure in the most sustainable way at the council’s October 27 meeting. Craig Britton, city engineer, and Brian Burkholder drove all the city-owned streets (about 18 miles or 73% of the streets within the city limits) and alleys (two plus miles) in Chatfield and rated … [Read more...]
Ongoing general election discussed by Fillmore County Board
County Administrator Bobbie Hillery updated the Fillmore County Board on the 2020 ongoing general election at the board’s October 27 meeting. A total of 6,003 ballots have been distributed (2,886 absentee ballots and 3,117 mail-in ballots). So far 2,195 absentee ballots have been accepted and 1,527 mail-in ballots have been accepted. It has been crazy with people coming in to … [Read more...]
Kids fishing event options
At the October 19 Preston City Council meeting, the future location of the Trout Days Kids Fishing contest was discussed. The DNR in past years has stocked rainbow trout in Camp Creek before the annual fishing event. The DNR has determined that the native brown trout population is well established and naturally reproducing. They no longer want to stock rainbow trout in Camp … [Read more...]
Whalen Valley drainage improvements
Plans to make improvements to the Union St. drainage area on county road 10 were approved at the Chatfield City Council’s October 12 meeting. City engineer Craig Britton said three bids had been submitted to construct two storm water drainage basins. The lowest bid submitted by Clemens Excavating in the amount of $24,658 was accepted. The engineers estimate was $27,680. The … [Read more...]
Fillmore County approves non-profit grants
At the October 13 Fillmore County Board Meeting 21, non-profit grant applications were approved. This portion of the county’s CARES Act funding totals $176,598. Like with the business grants approved at the last board meeting, non-profit grant applicants will be required to document losses or costs due to COVID-19. Both the business and non-profit grant applicants must submit … [Read more...]
Feasibility study for housing development
Preston City Council members approved the use of $6,297 from the EDA fund for an engineering feasibility study for the Park Lane housing development as recommended by the EDA at the council’s October 6 meeting. At the council’s August 3 meeting, the purchase of option agreements for land east of Park Lane for a possible future multi-family and/or single family housing … [Read more...]
Fillmore County approves CARES Funding uses
The Fillmore County Board extended its Emergency Declaration due to COVID-19 through November 3 during its October 6 meeting. The declaration allows the holding of virtual meetings per state of Minnesota guidelines and some workers to work from home during the pandemic. It also captures funding for continuing operations during this emergency period. Approval was given for … [Read more...]
Chatfield certifies preliminary budget/levy for 2021
City Clerk Joel Young presented his message on the budget at the Chatfield City Council’s September 28 meeting. Councilors unanimously approved a resolution certifying the preliminary 2021 levy at $2,247,789, which is a 3.98% increase over the 2020 levy, or an increase of $86,101. The resolution sets a public hearing on the proposed budget/levy to be held on December 14, 2020. … [Read more...]
Two CUPs go to Fillmore County Board for their consideration
The Fillmore County Planning Commission held two public hearings to consider conditional use permit applications at their September 24 meeting. Jonathan and Kathryn Schroeder, section 18 Pilot Mound Township, applied for a CUP to build a non-agricultural recreational pond on their property. A CUP is required per ordinance, section 604.03 (18) for non-agricultural ponds. Mark … [Read more...]
Preston certifies 2021 budget/levy
At the September 21 Preston City Council meeting, members unanimously approved a preliminary budget/levy of $1,034,386 for 2021; this represents an increase of $51,347, or 5% over 2020. City Administrator Joe Hoffman explained the majority of the increase is due to funding that is being set aside for bond payments, of which the first one will be due in early 2022 for the 2021 … [Read more...]
Chatfield’s Wastewater Treatment Plant operating efficiently
Steven Schlichter, WWTP superintendent, reported on operational strategies that have achieved higher effluent quality at the Chatfield City Council’s September 14 meeting. Councilor Josh Broadwater was absent. Schlichter noted the consistent success that has been achieved in the removal of phosphorous in 2020, significantly better than in 2018 and 2019. With the change in … [Read more...]
2020 Fillmore County jail inspection
Sheriff John DeGeorge and jail Administrator Jamie Fenske reviewed the 2020 Minnesota Department of Corrections jail inspection report at the Fillmore County Board’s September 8 meeting. The county’s jail facility was reduced to a 90-day facility in 2017. Since then several improvements and upgrades have been made to come into compliance with state requirements. Fenske said … [Read more...]