The Fillmore County Board held its annual meeting on January 5. County Administrator Bobbie Hillery called the first meeting in 2021 to order. Three commissioners were reelected in the November general election. Judge Matthew Opat administered the oath of office to Marc Prestby, Larry Hindt, and Mitch Lentz who are each beginning a new four-year term. Commissioner Randy Dahl … [Read more...]
Plans for Preston’s 2021 street project progressing
City Engineer Brett Grabau, Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., reviewed the schedule for the 2021 Street and Utility Improvements at the Preston City Council’s January 4 meeting. In July, authorization was given to prepare for the plans for the project which is estimated to cost $3.75 million, of which $2.8 million will be borne by the city. The planned project includes … [Read more...]
Planning Commission hears CUP applications for private cemeteries and car lot
The Fillmore County Planning Commission held public hearings on three conditional use permit applications at their December 17 meeting. Two of the applications were for private cemeteries. •Dominic Crawford and Caleb Short, section 32 Fountain Township, had submitted an application for a private cemetery on five acres in the Agricultural District. The property is located … [Read more...]
Second round of business and nonprofit relief grants
The Fillmore County Board held their last meeting of 2020 on December 22. On December 14 and 15, the Minnesota state legislature approved a second round of county administered business and nonprofit relief grants. The grants are intended to provide financial aid to businesses and nonprofits that have been impacted by an executive order related to COVID-19. Fillmore County will … [Read more...]
Preston accepts ownership of Crown Hill Cemetery
In 2017 the Crown Hill Cemetery Association first approached the City of Preston about the possibility of assuming ownership and operation of the cemetery. On December 21 the city council formally accepted ownership of the cemetery grounds and buildings, effective December 31. The city commits to the future maintenance of the cemetery. The Cemetery Association voted … [Read more...]
Chatfield certifies 2021 levy
At the December 14 meeting of the Chatfield City Council, the final levy for 2021 was approved. The levy increase is 3.98%, or $86,101. The total 2021 levy will be $2,247,789. City Clerk Joel Young reviewed 2020 and took a look forward to 2021 during the Truth in Taxation public hearing required by state statute. Due to the COVID pandemic the antiquated telephone system in … [Read more...]
Sharp rise in Preston’s residential property taxes
Preston’s December 7 city council meeting centered on the presentation of the annual city budget and proposed tax levy; this hearing is required by the state and allows for public comment. However, the actual proposed levy ended up being of less concern than the significant residential valuation increases. Residential property taxes will be up significantly next year (a 15 to … [Read more...]
Fillmore County updated on proposed wind project
At the December 8 Fillmore County Board meeting, Mark Lennox, NextEra Energy Resources: Timberwolf Wind, updated the board on future plans for a large renewable energy project in south central Fillmore County. NextEra Energy is the world’s number one generator of wind and solar energy. The company has been making investments in Minnesota since 2000. The planned project area … [Read more...]
Fillmore County approves final CARES expenditures
Fillmore County’s distribution under the CARES Act was over $2.5 million. The deadline for purchases was this day, December 1. Several last minute purchases were approved. The ninth extension of the Declaration of Emergency for continuing operations from the COVID-19 was approved, extending it to January 5, 2021. County CARES funds were distributed through grants to businesses … [Read more...]
Fillmore County Hearing on 2021 Budget/Levy
County Administrator Bobbie Hillery explained the Truth in Taxation hearing, which was held on December 1, is required by state law. The public hearing is held at 6:30 p.m. to allow more participation from the public. Three members of the public attended the hearing in person. The meeting could be accessed via Webex or telephone. Hillery began by reviewing 2020. She detailed … [Read more...]
Chatfield’s 2020 Preservation Award
At the November 23 Chatfield City Council meeting, Deborah and Frederick Gerlach were recognized with the 2020 Heritage Preservation Award. Each year during Preservation Month (October) someone who has contributed to the restoration and preservation of Chatfield’s history is selected to be honored with this award. The recognition this year was for the couple’s donation of … [Read more...]
Fillmore County open by appointment only; closes doors to walk-in public
At the Fillmore County Board’s November 24 meeting, Commissioner Duane Bakke reported that the COVID cases in Fillmore County have more than doubled in the last couple of weeks. County Administrator Bobbie Hillery admitted there have been COVID cases among the staff or staff that has had contact with COVID positive individuals, requiring some staff members to quarantine. She … [Read more...]
Six public hearings on CUP applications/variances
The Fillmore County Planning Commission and Board of Adjustment worked through a busy agenda at their November 19 meetings. Four Condition Use Permit (CUP) applications were brought forward for public comment. Caleb Benson, section 27 Newburg Township, requested that five acres of property, located on the north side of Mabel, be rezoned from Agricultural to B1 (General … [Read more...]
New Preston City Council member Dean Aug
At the November 16 Preston City Council meeting a resolution, which is required by state statute, was approved declaring a vacancy on the city council. The council seat has been vacant since the resignation of Holly Zuck, which was accepted at the November 2 meeting. In the recent general election, dean Aug was elected to the city council seat previously held by Zuck, but he … [Read more...]
Fillmore County considering option to appoint A\T
At the November 10 Fillmore County Board meeting, County Administrator Bobbie Hillery presented the Personnel Committee’s wish to bring forth the option of appointing the Auditor/Treasurer position. Legislation (MS375A.1205, Subdivision 1) was passed in 2019 that lays out the process/guidelines for a county to make the A/T an appointed position. Why appoint rather than elect? … [Read more...]