At the December 13 meeting of the Chatfield City Council the final 2022 tax levy and budget were approved/certified. Councilor Mike Urban was absent. The city’s Truth in Taxation Hearing dominated the meeting. The preliminary levy approved in September had an increase of 3.98% for 2022; since then that number has been pared-down to a 2.8% increase, or an increase of $63,088. … [Read more...]
Fillmore County to advertise for proposals for county jail
At the December 14 Fillmore County Board meeting, commissioners approved Request for Proposals advertisement for Architectural Services for design and build for a new or remodeled county jail. Publication of the RFP in the official newspaper will appear in the December 27 and January 3 issues. A committee will review proposals submitted and three firms will be selected to … [Read more...]
Preston 2022 budget/levy review
City Administrator Joe Hoffman gave the annual budget/tax levy presentation at the Preston City Council’s December 6 meeting. The total levy for 2022 is to be $1,080,696, an increase of $46,273 over 2021 or 4.47%. Half of the city’s revenues will come from the tax levy in 2022. Hoffman compared that to 2004, which was the first year he served as administrator. In 2004 only 42% … [Read more...]
Fillmore County ARPA funding options
At the November 23 meeting of the Fillmore County Board, a discussion continued on options for the best use of the American Rescue Plan Act funds received by the county. County Administrator Bobbie Hillery reviewed five of these options including broadband, employment options, administration office improvements, HVAC improvements in three county buildings, and automatic … [Read more...]
Chatfield’s garbage bag issue resolved
Bill Hanson, Hanson Waste Removal, addressed the Chatfield City Council at its November 17 meeting about the supply chain problems affecting the purchase of yellow specially marked garbage bags. Councilors Paul Novotny and Josh Broadwater were absent. Yellow custom imprinted bags can’t be reordered on a timely basis or at a reasonable cost for some months into next year. The … [Read more...]
Preston adopts assessment roll for 2021 improvements
City Engineer Brett Grabau led the presentation at the assessment hearing for Preston’s 2021 Street and Utility Improvements. Over 20 residents attended the November 15 public hearing held at the Emergency Services Building. Grabau explained a priority list was produced with the development of the 2012 pavement management plan and the concurrent investigation of utilities. … [Read more...]
Fillmore County broadband expansion proposals
Three broadband providers outlined their proposals at the Fillmore County board’s November 9 meeting. The county has received $4.2 million in American Recovery Act funding. Broadband providers are looking for a portion of this funding to support broadband projects within the county. Much of Fillmore County is still underserved. Corey Hauer, LTD Broadband, said they have … [Read more...]
Lonestone Park playground equipment purchase approved
Approval was given for the purchase of playground equipment for Lonestone Park at the Chatfield City Council’s November 8 meeting. Councilor Paul Novotny was absent. Brian Burkholder explained that the city has applied twice for a Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Grant. This grant program provides matching grants to local units of government for 50% of the cost for redevelopment … [Read more...]
Preston zoning issues
The Preston City Council sent developer Andy Bunge back to the drawing board at their November 1 meeting. Bunge had applied for four variances in order to go ahead with his development plans for the construction of two duplexes on the property he owns at 309 North St. NE. Planning and Zoning had held a public hearing on October 27. The commission’s final vote of 2-1-1 to … [Read more...]
Howard County jail tour
Fillmore County commissioners, County Administrator Bobbie Hillery, Sheriff John DeGeorge, and Jail Administrator Jamie Fenske toured the Howard County jail on November 2. This new jail is considered to be similar to that which Fillmore County will build, if that is the option the county board chooses. The building inside and out is utilitarian, designed to be basic and … [Read more...]
Proposed Fillmore County ATV ordinance
At the November 2 meeting of the county board, approval was given to take the proposed ordinance for regulating recreational ATVs on county roads to public hearing to be held at 9:35 a.m. on November 23. County Attorney Brett Corson reviewed a few changes made since the proposed ordinance was last discussed. This ordinance will not apply to roads and streets within city … [Read more...]
Chatfield authorizes preparation for 2022 water improvement project
At the October 25 meeting of the Chatfield City Council City Engineer Craig Britton reviewed the proposal for 2022 water projects. Councilor Paul Novotny was absent. Britton said the proposal is for the provision of design and construction administration for the proposed Capital Improvement Project. Services include design, advertising/bidding assistance, construction … [Read more...]
Jordan Township sawmill application discussed
At the October 21 meeting of the Fillmore County Planning Commission, Jeremiah Daggett’s application for a conditional use permit for a portable sawmill was discussed during a public hearing. The sawmill will be on his property located in Section 1, Jordan Township. Daggett explained the portable sawmill will have a 36-foot cut capacity with a 17-foot bed which will limit the … [Read more...]
Tourism funding requests
At the October 26 meeting of the Fillmore County board, Gabby Kinneberg, Fillmore County representative for the Southern Minnesota Tourism Association, and Jen Hengel, representing Root River Trail Towns, reported on their activities in 2021 and requested 2022 appropriations. Kinneberg said Southern Minnesota Tourism represents 36 counties across southern Minnesota. Much of … [Read more...]
Preston sets assessment hearing
At the October 18 meeting of the city council the public assessment hearing for the 2021 Street and Utility Improvements was set for November 15. Councilman David Collett was absent. The city’s consultant engineer Brett Grabau updated the council on the progress of the project. Paving started this day and Grabau expects it to continue later in the week. The contractor Alcon … [Read more...]