The clothing donation bin at the edge of the Harmony Community Center parking lot has already been filled and emptied once since being installed recently. The Harmony Public Library will be receiving $0.10 a pound for the donations from the company that owns and sets up the bins. Once full, each bin holds approximately 600 pounds of donations. “It’s not a lot, but every … [Read more...]
Fillmore County 4-H member chosen as Minnesota delegate
“I told myself not to get my hopes up,” 17-year-old Maddie Smith said about her April trip to the 4-H National Conference, “but I knew that I had a greater chance of making it if I applied than if I didn’t,” she laughed. The application process to be a delegate at the 4-H National Conference is rigorous and selective, but Maddie was up for the challenge. She has an aunt who … [Read more...]
Alternative Learning Program to be added to Lanesboro school district
On the agenda for the Lanesboro School Board meeting on June 21 were several items regarding the creation of an Alternative Learning Center at the Lanesboro school. The center would be operated by the Hiawatha Valley Education District, of which Lanesboro is already a member. Currently, the only other Alternative Learning Center in the Hiawatha Valley Education District, or … [Read more...]
Fillmore Central approves playground upgrades
A playground committee consisting of community members and school staff recently met with Midwest Playscapes to discuss upgrades to the elementary school playground areas. Their plans and proposals were presented at the June 26 Fillmore Central School Board meeting. The main K-6 playground is outdated and the surface along with some of the pieces do not meet current safety … [Read more...]
Harmony Historical Society unveils walking tour signs
While walking around Harmony recently, you may have noticed some new signs up around town. They’re part of the Harmony Historical Society’s new walking tour and were unveiled on June 16 at a ribbon cutting ceremony. Some of the members of the Historical Society had seen historical walking tour signs in other towns, including Decorah and thought it would be a great idea for … [Read more...]
Lanesboro school staff participate in ALICE training
The staff of the Lanesboro school district recently took part in an ALICE training. Despite the name, ALICE training has nothing to do with someone named Alice. The letters stand for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate, and the program trains people how to react appropriately in an active shooter situation. The training was mandatory for all Lanesboro district staff, … [Read more...]
Land swap between City of Harmony and Fillmore Central approved
Superintendent Richard Keith and school board member Craig Britton were present at the Harmony City Council meeting on June 12 to discuss the final stages of the proposed land swap between the City of Harmony and Fillmore Central. The school will be turning the area behind the Harmony Community Center into a new baseball field and would like to build a parking lot to go with … [Read more...]
Lanesboro recognizes American Legion
Mayor Autumn Johnson read a resolution proclaiming August 24 as American Legion Day in Lanesboro at the June 4 city council meeting. Several of the Legion members were present to hear the resolution. The Legion is nearing a century of service in Lanesboro and is the only Legion building in Minnesota that is on the historic registry. American Legion commander, Jim Haugan asked … [Read more...]
New dog grooming business opens in Preston
“It’s not what I do, it’s who I am,” Lanesboro resident Kristy Richards said about her work grooming and caring for dogs. Richards recently opened a new dog grooming business in Preston on Main Street called TheDogLdy. She began by offering Toenail Tuesdays where owners can bring their dogs in for a free toenail trim and has now expanded to accepting bookings for full … [Read more...]
Fillmore Central board visits possibility of e-learning days
Superintendent Richard Keith recently took part in a discussion about e-learning days at a conference he attended and learned how they worked. E-learning days are implemented on days when school has to be canceled due to inclement weather. Students would be able to access their schoolwork online that day and complete it at home, eliminating the need for make-up days at the … [Read more...]
Lanesboro school board discusses community meeting
At their May 17 meeting, the Lanesboro school board reviewed the recent community meeting that was held to discuss the proposed facility updates and renovations. “I just want to comment that it was an exceptionally well-run meeting,” Executive Director of the Lanesboro Arts Board, John Davis said. He was impressed with the turnout. “It shows how much everyone cares about the … [Read more...]
Harmony council approves new snow truck purchase
A snow truck was last purchased for the City of Harmony in 2009 with the plan to upgrade every 10 years. As that time is just about up, the building and maintenance crew asked permission at the May 8 Harmony City Council meeting to purchase a 2019 International 7400 SBA snow truck for $166,199 before trade-in value. Board member Kyle Morem pointed out that money has been set … [Read more...]
Lanesboro council makes final decision on Zenith Street paving project
A letter stating the Zenith Street homeowners’ perspective on the proposed Zenith Street East paving project was distributed at the May 7 Lanesboro City Council meeting as part of the public hearing to discuss the project. Several of the Zenith Street homeowners were also present to make one last statement before the council decided whether or not to go ahead with the … [Read more...]
Lanesboro Schools plans community meeting to discuss school update proposals
Lanesboro School Board member Dave Lawstuen gave the facilities committee report at the April 19 meeting. HSR Associates, the architecture firm working with the district on the buildings’ proposed improvements, provided maps, mock-ups, and a detailed concept plan to help those present at the meeting to visualize the changes and additions. The projects that the facilities … [Read more...]
Fillmore Central considers replacing Stop and Drop with back-to-school conferences
Principal Heath Olstad spoke to the Fillmore Central School Board at their April 24 meeting about a proposal to drop the traditional elementary Stop and Drop event and replace it with two days of back-to-school conferences starting with the 2018-19 school year. He explained that the change would not extend to the high school and that the open house for those students would … [Read more...]