Letter about abortion in Minnesota... To the Editor, What has happened in our state? Our House, Senate and governor have succeeded in their stated goal to promote abortion in Minnesota. Here is what they passed. Minnesota state law now has legal abortion through all nine months of pregnancy for any reason. Babies who survive an abortion can now be left to die without … [Read more...]
Rural broadband access
By Daniel Wilson Rushford, MN The State of Minnesota recently passed a state budget that will include up to $215 million over the next several years to expand internet access. With an additional $650 million coming from the federal government, there will be a lot of resources dedicated to solving the problem of broadband access. To make sure that this money is spent on the … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about Juneteenth, Minnesota’s newest holiday
Letter about Juneteenth, Minnesota’s newest holiday To the Editor, This year, Juneteenth became a Minnesota state holiday to be observed on June 19. It honors that date in 1865 when enslaved Americans in Galveston, Tex., were finally told that they were free — nearly two and a half years after the Emancipation Proclamation. Also called Emancipation Day, Freedom Day, and … [Read more...]
Love finds a way
By Pastor Mark Woodward Maple Leaf Parish Churches: Spring Valley: Faith, Cherry Grove, Fountain, Preston (and Lenora) When I was ordained as a pastor, some very talented artists from my home church made a beautiful and inspiring banner. The banner depicted a crown of holly and a crown of thorns which represented the birth and crucifixion of Jesus. Red letters … [Read more...]
Write a farm bill for farmers, not corporate interests
By Bonnie Haugen Canton, MN It takes a lot to get a farm girl off her farm, but a few weeks ago, I joined a fearless crew of farmers and advocates to make the journey to Washington, D.C. with other farmers from the Midwest. I made the trip to D.C. with the Land Stewardship Project and Campaign for Family Farms and the Environment as the current Farm Bill, which was … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about code of ethics…
Opinions expressed here are those of the author and not of the Fillmore County Journal. Letter about code of ethics... To the Editor, The recent news about Clarence Thomas’s financial entanglements with GOP megadonor Harlan Crow should be alarming to every American. This is what happens when the highest court in the land is given free rein to police itself. Clarence … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about voting matters…
Opinions expressed here are those of the author and not of the Fillmore County Journal. Letter about voting matters... To the Editor, Voting matters, in order to insure that Government “of the People, by the People, for the People “ will not perish from the earth! The future of our country depends on making “wise” choices if we wish to preserve our freedom. I was shocked … [Read more...]
Why I ran
By Eric Leitzen Hokah, MN For those of you who don’t know, I was on the ballot as an independent third party for the Minnesota State Senate last year. I ran a mostly one-man campaign, took no big money, and instead hit the road and went out to the people to get the message out: for almost 50 years now you have worked harder and gotten less, while the rich are richer than … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about why does Sen. Miller vote against our interest?…
Opinions expressed here are those of the author and not of the Fillmore County Journal. Letter about why does Sen. Miller vote against our interest?... To the Editor, Once again, Sen. Miller has voted against the economic and public safety interests of our district, all while hiding behind bad faith straw man arguments. Why would Sen. Miller do this? A wide coalition of … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about 92 and counting – some thoughts on aging…
To the Editor, If I think I am old, I am old. If I think I am young, I am delusional. Someone told me today that I was not old, I was vintage. I felt better immediately. As we move through the decades, each one brings its challenges and rewards. What do we want? What do we need? These seem to change as we go from decade to decade. Wants seem to be greater in our younger … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about questions left on the table…
Letter about questions left on the table... To the Editor, I attended the public hearing on February 16 about the proposed doubling of feedlot limits. I’m not a farmer, I’m a music therapist living in Carimona Township, so I came to learn and left with a few questions. 1. What prompted the proposal in the first place? I was hoping that question would start off the meeting … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about enough is enough…
Letter about enough is enough... To the Editor, Last week I attended a meeting of the Fillmore County Planning and Zoning Commission. The public had been invited to attend and the meeting room was filled to overflowing. Prior to the meeting, I had sent a written comment to the commissioners and I was among those who made oral comments at the meeting. Concerns of … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about that old bridge will be saved…
To the Editor, The old bridge at Historic Forestville will be saved. No county road is going to punch through the historic site. The bridge abutments, deck, and railings will be fixed, and the bridge reopened as a trail for horses, bikes, and pedestrians. The people in Fillmore County will not let their parks be ruined. The county engineer, who says tearing it all down is an … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about what is Fillmore County thinking?
Letter about what is Fillmore County thinking? To the Editor, What is Fillmore county thinking? Most of the wells in the county hardly pass now. This should not even be brought in our part of the county. The animal units are fair now. Don’t bring in the big corporations because that’s all you will do. Think about the younger generation for once. Bad enough they’re trying to … [Read more...]
Animal Unit Cap
By Norm Gross Spring Valley, MN I was surprised to hear that Fillmore County is looking to double the Animal Unit Cap (number of farm animals under one roof). With the current state of our environ-ment, our concern for water and air quality, a growing desire for cleaner healthier food, and our need to revitalize rural America, I hoped that we would be moving towards … [Read more...]