At the June 6 meeting of the county board, directors of three ambulance services, including Sue Puffer of Spring Valley, Deb Ristau of Preston/Lanesboro, and Rocky Burnett of Chatfield, asked the board to consider an increase in the 2024 area ambulance appropriations.
The county has provided an appropriation of $4,500 to each area service since 2003. Puffer explained that both the need for ambulances and the cost of the service have both increased over the years. Some smaller services have needed to hire full-time or part-time staff instead of operating with volunteers only, in order to fill staffing shortages. It is challenging for rural ambulance services. Medicare and Medicaid only pay about half of the cost of a typical Medicare call.
Commissioner Duane Bakke asked how to solve this problem long term. Commissioner Mitch Lentz asked if they would request increases in the levy from townships and cities? There is a per capita amount paid to each service by a city/cities and townships in each of their service areas. The per capita amount is likely different for each service area.
Lentz noted the county pays over the statutory requirement to libraries; maybe some of that funding in excess of the statuary requirement could be moved over to ambulance services.
Burnett said ambulance funding comes mainly from the charges for service, contracts with the city and townships, and the county.
Commissioner Marc Prestby suggested there is a consensus among the board that the county’s appropriation should be increased. There was some discussion as to whether to pay an amount based on a per capita number or a lump sum per service. County administrator Bobbie Hillery suggested a set amount for each service would make more sense. No amount was set but an increased appropriation amount will be determined during this year’s budgeting process.
Other business in brief
•The 2024-2025 Sentencing to Serve (STS) contract proposal from the Minnesota Department of Corrections was approved.
•Leroy Eickhoff, PSAP officer, explained the need to replace batteries needed for dispatch services in the sheriff’s office. The purchase can be paid for with 911 funding. The agenda was amended to include this repair. A motion was then approved for the purchase and replacement of the batteries needed for dispatch.
•Approval was granted to reinvest a matured CD in the amount of $275,000 with First Southeast Bank at an interest rate of 5% per year as recommended by Finance Director Christy Smith.
•Solid Waste administrator, Joel Kroening asked for a signature on a Certificate of Need in order to utilize the Nobles County Landfill to fulfill municipal solid waste disposal needs. Under Minnesota statute the permit has to be extended to 2025. Fillmore County will not be obligated for closure costs for Nobles County Landfill. The signature was approved and will only obligate Fillmore County to include Nobles County Landfill in the county’s Solid Waste Management Plan.
•A resolution was adopted requesting a variance from standard for State Aid Operation for a bridge replacement project on CSAH 29 over Riceford Creek, east of junction 43 and 3.5 miles northeast of Mabel. The reason for the variance is the increased cost and encroachment of wetlands affecting the alignment. County Engineer Ron Gregg explained the variance will allow for a 30-mph curve rather than a 40-mph curve.
•A resolution for the Airport Maintenance and Operation grant contract for the county airport was approved. The contract will expire in 2025. The total obligation of the state will not exceed $54,904 for the two-year period.
•A resolution was adopted setting policy for the Highway Department to adhere to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statutes for non-discrimination assurances. The county must meet the requirements of Title VI to receive federal grant funding for projects. Lentz suggested Title VI should be policy for all county departments.
•Natasha Link was hired as a replacement Child Support Officer, effective June 14.
•An amended contract with the International Union of Operating Engineers (IUOE), Local 49, was approved to include the Juneteenth holiday.
•Lentz was appointed to the Hiawatha Valley Mental Health Board.
•By consensus, the board agreed for 2024 budgeting purposes to work with a possible 20% increase in health insurance rates and a 3.5% increase in the cost of living for employees.
•The MiBroadband loan for the Minnesota Border to Border 2020 project was closed out as requested by Jill Huffman. The loan was never utilized for the fiber expansion project in the rural area of Preston.
•The county board will meet next on June 13.
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