The Preston City Council held its first regular in-person meeting in about a year. Councilman David Collett was absent.
City Administrator Joe Hoffman reported that Planning and Zoning held a public hearing on the application submitted by Mark Welch for a new subdivision at their April 28 meeting. P & Z recommended approval of the preliminary plat once a number of items were addressed. The subdivision will be near the Golfview Estates on Overlook Dr. Two phases are proposed, with the development of 12 lots for single family homes in the first phase. Overlook Dr. is to be extended 650 feet to the southwest.
City Engineer Brett Grabau is working on a review of the preliminary plat. He discussed several items that he had asked the developer to address. Grabau received a revised construction plan and drainage report this day, but had not had an opportunity to review them to make sure all his concerns had been addressed.
Councilman Robert Maust noted this will be an expensive property to develop due to rock. Grabau said Welch is aware of that.
This will be a privately owned development within the jurisdiction of the city. The revised plat will be brought back in two weeks for the council’s consideration.
Hoffman said the city has received a request for public assistance with the project in the form of a tax abatement. This request will likely also be considered at the next council meeting on May 17. At that time there should be a recommendation from Grabau on the plat and one from Mike Bubany concerning a tax abatement.
Other business in brief
•There was an official pinning ceremony for Tim Melver, who was recently promoted to police sergeant. His wife Karla pinned the sergeant chevrons and badge on her husband’s uniform.
•The option agreement to purchase property for the veterans home site was to expire soon. The fourth amendment to the agreement was approved extending the option agreement to July 31, 2021. Hoffman added that our legislators are working hard on behalf of the veterans home in Preston to secure additional funding ($4 million) for amenities that will need to be limited without additional funding.
•May 16-22, 2021, was proclaimed Emergency Medical Services Week. The theme is “This is EMS.” Thank your EMS worker for your service. The Preston Emergency Service fundraiser dinner is to be held on May 14. It will cost $18 for an advance ticket and $20 at the door. The dinner is prepared by the Cattlemen’s Association; there will be carryouts only.
•A request for a driveway approach for Larenda Schriever (Spring St. NE) was approved.
•EDA Director Gabby Kinneberg described a Local Small Cities Development Program loan application from Martin and Kathleen Rinhoffer to install new windows and to fix the existing roof on their building at 117 Fillmore St. W (Urban Artifacts). The request is for $10,000. Private funding will be added in the amount of $2,500. The EDA recommended approval. The building is used as a commercial space with an apartment above. The loan was approved.
•The next city council meetings will be held on May 17 and June 7.
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