Some people face food insecurity every day, while others struggle after an unexpected expense or decrease in income. Hunger can lead to poor health or illness in addition to poor performance at school or work. During 2017, Semcac food shelves in Rushford, Preston, Caledonia, and Kasson had 7,686 visits from 1,258 households and distributed 361,926 pounds of food. Clients are also provided with information and referrals to other community services.
The 36th annual Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign promotes the collection of food and funds to stock food shelves across the state. As an official participant, Semcac’s food shelves will receive a percentage of the undesignated statewide March FoodShare funds. The allocation depends on the amount of food and money raised locally during the campaign, and on the number of people served during the remainder of the year. The more donations that are collected, the higher the amount of FoodShare funds will be designated to Semcac food shelves.
Semcac is asking local service clubs and organizations, businesses, churches, and individuals to help raise food and funds during March. Please bring donated funds, food, and personal care items to your local food shelf from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesdays or Thursdays. Donations must be received on or before April 5, to count towards the Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign. Thank you for being part of our fight against hunger!
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