By Yvonne Nyenhuis
Lanesboro, MN
Recently I received an advertisement from a candidate who is running for government office. He proclaimed in bold letters that he is “Pro-Gun”! I felt suddenly cold as a chill came over me. Our country has more guns than people! It has not made us safer! Doctors in hospitals are overwhelmed treating patients with gun wounds. The drama has intensified as we keep hearing of “mass” shootings in schools – a parade, a shopping center – leaving us to feel we aren’t safe anywhere.
What has caused the violence in our society? And, what can we do to to insure a future where there is peace and reason is applied to solving our problems? There are many aspects of our culture that need to be examined. There is no single solution. One is – that every child born in this country should be “wanted and nurtured.” Children born into a family where there is domestic violence are unlikely to learn kindness and respect for others. Some children suffer from neglect. If they are ignored they won’t feel valued and may find perverse ways of getting attention.
Throughout history, women have sought to control their reproductive healthcare. They experimented with self-abortion or relied on amateur help which resulted in the death of many women, which is why Roe v. Wade came into practice. Now that “Roe” has been rescinded, women will be returning to unreliable sources to terminate their pregnancies.
Essential to controlling violence in our lives is the role of parents and teachers setting an example of behavior for children. The idea is that through education children can discover not only the world around them, but their own inner potential which will allow them to contribute to family, friends and to the community as they grow.
There is a heated discussion today on the “evils” of abortion. We should be focusing on “prevention” – if children are to be “nurtured,” women must be able to choose when they want to be pregnant! The IUD should be readily accessible and the cost should be covered by healthcare to all women who want it.
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