By Pastor Norm Omodt, Retired
Chatfield, MN
I write this last commentary for 4 reasons. First: To help a few million people better understand who President Trump is. He has a Border Line Personality, according to Doctors of Psychology, which means he can’t function as normally as most people. He can’t introspect, that is, he can’t examine himself to see how he is functioning in comparison with REALITY. He must ALWAYS BLAME OTHERS for whatever, because he is not secure enough on the inside to admit a fault or failure. It stems back to his childhood when he was taught by his father “you have to be a winner, no matter what you have to do to accomplish it.” And since Trump has called even our military soldiers in the graves in France and even Senator John McCain “LOSERS”, of course he can not bear the thought of being the biggest loser, as in this election. And in these latter weeks certainly the majority of Americans are disappointed with Trump’s attempts to make illegitimate our most secure election ever, according to the Dept. of Home Land Security! He can’t seem to recognize that his false charges of fraud and conspiracies are undermining our Democracy!
Secondly, we can’t really blame the millions who have been deceived and obsessed with Trump’s magical charism, just as hard liners follow a Cult Leader, who also have the same Border Line Personality. I think with time they will see clearly what has happened inside of them. Perhaps they are hoping Trump will become more normal and they won’t feel they have been deceived.
Thirdly, I have a prediction to share: that Trump will continue trying TO BUILD AN EMPIRE within our country FOR HIMSELF! Watch in the next 4 years and we will see.
And if the clearer minded, wiser Republicans can’t come up with an alternative candidate for 2024, Trump will run again, though I predict that time he will lose by more like 10 million votes. My wish is that he would soon realize his ego will do just fine, full time in the business world and on the golf course. If he does serve time in prison for criminal activities, I pray he has a conversion experience and become a Christian.
And lastly, I hope ALL AMERICANS will strongly consider UNITING in standing up for the following AMERICAN VALUES that I have come to know, many from my childhood: Honesty and decency in government; freedom and respect for all religions; protection for the voting rights for all citizens, regardless of the color of their skin; welcoming and compassion for immigrants as we had always done; equality in the justice system; affordable health care for all who live in America, mindful of other 26 countries who have such health care and are healthier and live longer; defend the 2nd Amendment, but also demand thorough background checks before selling guns, including at the private gun shows; (to cut down on gun violence and save lives); speak out against the sin of racism and prejudice; respect and appreciation for extremely valuable front line workers, including the police force; and hold honor and appreciation for our military; support clean energy in protecting our marvelous planet, not only for future generations, but for right now, where weather patterns have been causing greater destruction. Oh, and remember you can actually choose to love your neighbor whether nearby or far away in other countries! And keep a sense of humor and share it! As a Pastor I wish all of you our Lord’s blessings of peace, unity and joy!
Kent Larson says
The recent condescending commentary of Norm Omodt vilifying President Trump and those supporting an America First policy wonderfully encapsulates his “choose to love your neighbor” and “keep a sense of humor” worldview. Hypocrisy is such a unifying message. The traitorous Tories of Colonial America felt the same way as Mr. Omodt regarding the magical charisma of cult leader George Washington and his hard line patriots, attempting to push back against the corruptions of King George.
As to that “Border Line Personality” assessment of President Trump and MAGA supporters, let’s peer into the “Center Line Incognizant Personality” of Cult Leader Joe Biden and his hard line followers of derangement. Mr. Omodt hyperventilates about Trump using the powers of his office to enrich himself. What incoherent nonsense. President Trump actually returned wealth to the middle class, while taking no salary as President. With a significantly lowered inflation rate coupled with more affordable gas prices, real net income elevated. Biden, however, has engaged in every corruption, indecency, and reckless behavior at an inordinate level profusely beyond any of which Trump was accused. His policies have jacked up inflation to 40 year highs, ramped up gas prices to new highs, he has traded political favors for bribes, acquiesces to our prime adversarial threat in Communist Red China, relinquished our southern border to illegal aliens, drug cartels and child traffickers, and enhanced the elevation of crime. Biden’s mental incoherence is increasingly on display. He often appears confused and habitually invents false stories. Imbecilic mainstream media discounts the irony by silencing dissent and manipulating American minds, leaving a free press lying in a coffin. If this madness continues, very soon we won’t have that republic envisioned by our Founding Fathers…
The Cody Kid says
Gee, I guess Mr. Omodt that you have chosen to ignore the Biden crime family, with all the video and audio proof showing their corruption. Trump like everyone, isn’t perfect, but I like a leader of the free world to have a winning attitude. Safe and secure elections are important, but I walked into the Preston court house and handed in my ballot without showing any proof of who I was. Safe and secure…bull! The last gun I purchased I had to go thru a background check. I’m sure you believe the criminals follow the rules like myself. As for the weather, it changes all the time, and always will. Remember Leonard Nimoy in the 70’s said” the ice age cometh”. Apparently that didn’t work out, so now it’s the heat or whatever new catastrophe the “sky is falling” activists can think of is! .
Obama created the biggest rift in racial equality ever in this country and I believe he is still calling a lot of the shots that Biden no longer has the capacity to make. Mr. Omodt have you ever asked God about Minnesota’s stance on abortion? I think you need to re-read the Bible. Under Maga, I paid less for gas , less for food, less for everything. Amen
T. E. Hobbes says
@Cody Kid
//As for the weather, it changes all the time, and always will.//
I think you don’t know the difference between weather and global climate.
//Obama created the biggest rift in racial equality ever in this country //
What method was used by Obama to create this rift? What did he do, exactly? (not arguing, just asking your perspective)
//Mr. Omodt have you ever asked God about Minnesota’s stance on abortion?//
What does the Bible say about abortion?
//Under Maga, I paid less for gas , less for food, less for everything.//
What were the reasons for paying less for gas? What specifically did the Trump administration do to provide cheaper gas, food, etc.? An administration existing when gas is cheap does not mean the gas is cheap because the administration existed. Why do you think gas was cheaper than it had been in years during the Trump administration?
Kudo’s also to T.E. Hobbes!
Cody Kid says
The Bible does not specifically mention abortion by that name. However it does speak of the sanctity of life. I knew you before you were born along with other scriptures. Life begins at conception. Have you forgotten the 6th commandment? Asking where the Bible mentions this is a common argument of leftists and the pro choice crowd.
Trump brought confidence to the country. He actually followed thru on his campaign promises. The 1st President in my lifetime that did this. I thought his stance on vaccine was horrible and he was deceived about it and he would be well received by admitting it. He cut my taxes and gas was undeniably cheaper, groceries, insurance, the cost of housing all more affordable. obama was terrible for race relations, by condemning the police and making criminals somehow righteous before any facts. I’m surprised he lives in that tiny mansion by the ocean that is about to be inundated by the melting ice. I look at historical data to base my opinion on climate. This includes globally. This may or may not be my name. Fact is,I Do Not trust lefties.
Anonymous says
Mr. Omodt is described in the Bible as a false prophet.
Doesn’t have the guts to sign.
If they don’t have the cuts to sign – perhaps shouldn’t even be posted.
No guts to leave name.
Anonymous says
Saying your name is Nathan Davidson and actually being him, hmmm! I think a picture would be appropriate here.
Kudos to Pastor Norm Omodt on his writing A Sacred Oath of our ex-president-twice impeached-chaotic administration of Donald J. Trump who never grew up to be a “real” man. The Maga cult reminds me of the bible story of worshiping of the golden calf only this time it’s the worshiping of the the golden “bull”! All I can say is AMEN!