By Pastor Norm Omodt, Retired
Chatfield, MN
There’s a destructive force in our society, that we must not ignore! A book by former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper is titled “A Sacred Oath. “On May 15, in an interview on “60 Minutes,” Mr. Esper said he had worked diligently to prevent Trump from taking foolish dangerous actions, like Trump wanted to send missiles into Mexico (perhaps aimed at the drug cartels) and thus begin a war with Mexico. And Trump wanted to just shoot the protesters on the streets in Washington, D.C. (protesting against him), like authoritarian regimes. And Trump wanted to invade Venezuela. Republicans, listen to this honest man reporting from inside the Trump administration. Dr. Mary Trump, warned us that Uncle Donald is a very dangerous person and not to be trusted! Of course we all now have witnessed that with our own eyes. Also, Mark Esper said, “I want a President that puts country first. Trump never did that!”
On January 20, 2017, Donald Trump in the OATH of office, swore to defend the Constitution and our Democracy. At one of his rallies he proudly said, “I am a Law and Order President.” Then on January 6, 2021, knowing he had lost the election, but not capable of accepting the truth, he stirred up what he calls “my people” to be vengeful and hateful like himself, and told them to go to the Capitol and “fight like hell.” Of course to steal the election. So, Trump definitely is not a Law and Order President. So, Trump broke his oath (his promise) to defend the Constitution and our Democracy. Doesn’t that make Trump a traitor and a criminal? And Trump committed extortion (crime) withholding money for Ukraine until he could get a favor. A shameful man. A destructive force in our society!
In contrast, President Biden, a man of good character, integrity, honesty, deep compassion, a caring Christian, a diplomat, (not bully like Trump) and led the fastest growing economy for a President in his first year in office, since 1984. And led the greatest infrastructure bill since President Eisenhower ,with millions of good paying jobs. Fights hard to get people vaccinated to save lives. And encourages renewable energy to save the planet for generations to come! And from his first day in office began renewing respectful relationships with our allies and others. They had been so damaged by Trump bullying his way. And how did the Europeans respond? “America is back again!” And Biden was very influential in uniting NATO again, after Trump wanted to “throw it under the bus!”
Lately I’ve heard that two-thirds of Republicans actually believe the “Big Lie.” It’s a total shame what Trump has done to the Republican Party! Our Democracy is in deep trouble! Republicans, I refer you to a recent Letter to the Editor by Julie Fryer on how the GOP spreads the Big Lie, thus causing dangerous mistrust!
Trump and Republicans in 19 states continue undermining our Democracy, making it most difficult for Blacks and minorities to vote. It’s like taking us back to the days of segregation, so UN-AMERICAN!
Trump knows he can’t afford to be honest and admit he lost the election because then he definitely would lose his grip, his cultic powers over his followers.
When I was a Pastor in western Minn., I worked hard to bring young people out of a cult. It’s very difficult to change their mindset. And so I do feel sorry for you who are in the two-thirds of Republicans who believe Trump and the Big Lie. You were vulnerable to a very charismatic cult-like leader as you were wanting someone tough to be on your side.
So my appeal is to the one-third open minded Republicans:
please don’t vote for Trump, the professional liar (20,000 lies), always pushing false conspiracies, a criminal, a racist, a white supremacist, and a narcissist as Attorney General Barr called Trump.
Let us all unite in praying the Holy Spirt might reach Trump’s heart and cause him to repent of his sins against our country and become a Christian. We all would praise the Lord for such a miracle!
clyde says
on the question violation of oath, NO , AN OATH OF OFFICE IS NOTHING MORE THAN A WEAK SEMI PROMISE, this act is performed as an insurance insecure lie that the oath taker will be an honest honorable actor, But wait one another word comes to mind fiduciary has little to no meaning as well, intended to secure insecurity in banking officals politicians doctors lawyers and indian chiefs. my point is simple this is a greedy world we have created and if you hear someone of authority they will investigate any criminal behavior that is a lie, Congress is by nature criminal not political , Todays news is BS, OF ALL THE CRAP BEING THROWN AROUND BY TALKING HEADS , WHAT WAS THE CHINESE AGENT DOING IN MARALAGO WITH A BAG OF CASH AND 8 cell phone recording devices, hopping to stumble upon us secret documents or too swallow a squirt from donald and pay him for the act. i’m nauseous i gotta go, be well all, CE.
Stan Gudmundson says
When Trump was president we were energy independent and fuel and gas prices were just over, and even under sometimes, $2/gallon. His supreme court appointments have given us at least three great decisions that reaffirm the principles of the constitution. 1) Our natural right to have the ability to protect ourselves has been reconfirmed. 2) The issue of abortion has been returned back to the states where it should have been from the very beginning. 3) The ability of unappointed bureacrats to make arbitrary, capricious, unappealable laws/regulations has been curtailed. Personality aside, just these four things ought to make one a Trump supporter. There are many other policies that the haters, wishful thinkers, and the ‘D’ worshippers cannot or will acknowledge. Did I mention inflation? So, are we better off today under Biden the dim? If so, tell us why.
Mark Olson says
The moment I read that diaper Joe was a man of good character integrity honesty deep compassion-not for America or American’s-and a good caring Christian I just lost all respect for this guy Pastor Norm Omodt. Maybe he should go back to his work of helping people out of cults, people such as this guy that actually believes what he just spewed out needs his mindset changed.
Rural Mn resident Patriot says
Sounds like he belongs to the DCP (Democratic Communist Party). He has been listening to “Sleepy” Joe Biden too long and has affected his common sense.
Anonymous says
Not sure what the ‘Prophets’ have to do with anything the Pastor wrote. Instead of deriding him for exercising his First Amendment, recommend drafting a research-backed, fact-based response and engage in civil discourse. Your response only strengthened the Pastor’s argument that supporters of the former President lack the ability to think critically. You are intelligent and think critically in all other aspects of your life. Be open to the testimonies and evidence being presented to the public now. A true patriot recognizes when democracy is fragile and seeks to reinforce it, not continue tear is down.
Anonymous says
I cannot believe someone who says they are a religious leader would demonize and belittle a group of like this. I would believe that they would be apolitical and try to find middle ground.
Anonymous says
The Prophets do not agree with you! Since you are a pastor, I would think you would listen to the Prophets.
Anonymous says
Unbelievable that you allowed this man to write a column like this.
Anonymous says
You’re an idiot! You should fact check your statements. Many already proven false.
Anonymous says