By Guy T. Soland
Chatfield, MN
In today’s world, it’s sometimes tough to find positivity, it’s a mindset, to stay positive, that most people, including myself need to work on at times. Negativity is everywhere – news, social media… it’s not tough to find. but, every day I find something that I’m thankful for. I’m so blessed with so many things – God, wife, kids, family, friends, food, clothes, house, job, etc. In a world with COVID and new war, there are people everywhere doing their part with their professions, and I just wanted to than them and let them know they are appreciated.
God Bless teachers and staff, principals, superintendents, bus drivers, paras, lunch workers, custodians, coaches and referees, and all associated with school systems. Please thank them, they’re doing a wonderful job. These jobs were tough pre-pandemic and now even tougher. All school employees: you are appreciated! Thank you!
God Bless daycare providers. Thanks for your hard work taking care of our kids, sometimes for long hours, and helping develop young minds like teachers as well. Thank you. You are appreciated!
God Bless medical professionals: doctors, nurses, surgical techs and assistants, all associated with hospitals everywhere. You had a tough job and now, even tougher. Please thank these people. You are also appreciated.
God Bless police officers, EMTs, firefighters, ambulance crews, first responders. In this day and age, unfortunately we all know these are thankless jobs, like some others, full-time and volunteers. In our small town area, these people are so vital. Please thank these people. You are appreciated.
God Bless farmers for getting us food on the table and working hard each and every day to make it happen! You are appreciated. Thank you so much.
God Bless pastors, preachers and all church leaders. Now more than ever, you have a tough job. But, you provide hope, love and leadership every service and every day in between. Thank you, you are appreciated.
God Bless carpenters, construction workers, international, national, state, city and township employees, electricians, plumbers, truck drivers, pilots, factory workers, mechanics, lawyers, bankers, the creators of this paper and papers everywhere so I could put this in print. And thousands of professions everywhere, thanks and you are appreciated.
A hug God Bless you, also, for our military! There are bigger things going on in our world than the small things that we complain about or get offended by, and that’s a war in Ukraine right now. Our military has, is, and always will be so vital to this country. Any chance you get, thank a vet or current service member. These men and women are serving all over this world now and have in the past. Can you imagine where we’d be without them? Thank you all for your service and continued service. God Bless your hearts!
Points being made in this is we need some positivity. We’re all human, we’ve all got our stuff, but we all need each other. God made people for people and we’re all essential. Maybe someone next week will add to the positivity and add those I forgot to mention this week. Also, plesae pray for all, Ukraine, our military, our leaders and president, and try to remember to be thankful. Don’t judge, because there’s only one judge, and learn to laugh and love. God Bless you all!
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