Valentine wishes
It is not always that I get the chance to publish an article on the exact date of a holiday. So this is a unique opportunity to share with you something out of the ordinary.
My interest in writing did not emerge until my children began to learn about composition and creative writing in high school. Since then I have tried my hand at writing short stories, devotionals, poetry, a blog, and this column in the newspaper.
This little poem gives a little glimpse into a love story with which I am well- acquainted. I hope it delights and encourages you as you ponder thoughts of your Happy Valentine’s Day.
To My Wedding Ring
Wenda Grabau©1998
You are a tiny, little stone
Dredged from beneath the earth.
To most you are a precious gem,
Rare jewel of matchless worth.
Gift of love’s sweet promise,
You sparkle with brilliant fire.
Every facet tells the tale
Of two souls’ longing, hearts’ desire.
Lustrous beams still bring
to mind
His heart, his faith and love.
Treasures I could never find
‘Lest sent from Heav’n above.
Years of labor, you held on
Fixed to a golden band;
Plunged in water, caked
with dough,
Hugging tight to my left hand.
You are night and day with me;
Laundry, dusting, mopping, dishes,
Unromantic duties all,
Even cleaning for goldfishes!
Little diamond, you remind me
Of the finest man I know.
God made him and me a couple
United many years ago.
Marriage is not always easy.
It takes work that does not end.
But each day I am glad I married
My dear Sweetheart, my best friend.
Rings become a charming
Of great loves gone on before,
Yet no earthly love o’ershadows
God’s love for us forever more.
Since He made us one in
Many mates have broken up.
Yet “All things are possible with God,”
Therefore, we will not give up.
I love my husband, so I choose
With this great friend to linger.
Little Jewel hang on a while
To decorate my finger.
My Sweetheart particularly enjoys pecans and pecan pie. Perhaps this recipe will be a delight for you to share with your special Valentines.
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