Eitzen residents, Jack and Cathy Scheeler, appeared before the Eitzen City Council on Thursday, August 11, to ask the Council to think about converting the area known as the Chicken Que into a dog park. There were no objections to the proposal.
Council members in attendance were Mayor Jeffrey Adamson, Emily Burrichter, Doug Meyer, Mitch Luttchens, and Mitch Lange.
Other attendees were City Clerk Steve Schuldt, City Maintenance Darryl Meyer, and Eitzen residents Jack and Cathy Scheeler and Todd Hultgren.
The Scheelers explained their request and the need for a dog park in Eitzen and handed out a map of the proposed area, photos of other dog parks in the area, and sample dog park rules. The Scheelers asked the Council to consider putting a picnic table in the dog park for those less active dog owners so they would have a place to sit.
Council members and the Scheelers also discussed the need for available water and keeping the dog waste picked up.
Councilmember Burrichter asked if dogs must be registered. It was confirmed that they do not have to be registered, but pet owners must have their pets vaccinated.
“It seems harmless to me,” shared Councilwoman Burrichter. The Council agreed that the Scheelers would take care of the dog park, so it does not become an eyesore. In fact, it was mentioned that they will have flowers down by the picnic table.
The mayor informed the Council that the community center improvement committee met a week ago, and the city received a quote to remodel the two bathrooms. The bathrooms will be the first improvements to be completed. He noted, “There were lots of good ideas.” It is time to think about possible grants and get started on fundraising.
The city received $26,779.86 in ARPA funds. The money will be set aside and used for infrastructure.
The last Star Energy Services rate study was completed eight years ago. It is time to do it again with the mayor noting that they offer advice.
The mayor reminded the council members up for reelection that council candidacy applications must be submitted if they plan on running again.
The mayor announced that the Dairyland Power Municipal Outing will be held at Fox Hollow Golf Course in La Crosse on Wednesday, September 14. The event starts at 9 a.m. for anyone interested in going.
Darryl Meyer proudly reported, “We have new streets.”
In other matters, the council:
• Approved the minutes from the July 12 meeting and July’s financial documents.
• Approved the $2,500 quote from Four Seasons Ashpalt Maintenance, LLC to resurface the tennis court. Mayor Adamson noted that Mike Thompson has a stripping machine that can be used to mark the court. The machine marks off the lines. After the lines are painted, the tape is removed.
• Approved paying the July bills.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:44 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the Eitzen City Council is Tuesday, September 13, at 6 p.m., at Eitzen City Hall (next to the fire station), 202 East Main Street, Eitzen. Contact Steve Schuldt, city clerk, at (507) 495-3017 or eitzen@acegroup.cc. Office hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
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