To the Editor,
At Trump rallies, he spews lies right in the faces of his supporters while they clap and cheer. Often, these seemingly mindless cult followers begin chanting, “Lock her up!” Hillary Clinton was investigated about Benghazi by the Republican Congress 22 times with no wrongdoing found. The FBI investigated the Hillary email issue and found no wrongdoing. Trump insisted that his Department of Justice again investigate Hillary. Now, over two years later, especially investigating the Clinton Foundation and the Uranium One deal, they found no wrongdoing. Some say Hillary is the most exonerated politician in American history. Now, contrast that to Trump. We have the transcript of his Ukrainian call that leaves no doubt that Trump was blackmailing Ukraine for Trump’s political gain. Trump’s blanket refusal to let administration officials testify before Congress was obvious obstruction of Congress. A year ago the Trump Foundation was ordered shut down for charity fraud. The Mueller Report documented 10 cases of likely obstruction of justice which can be criminally charged once Trump leaves office. Trump called the whistleblower “almost a spy” and used the word “treason.” This was an evil attempt to both incite harm against this person and to frighten others from speaking out against corruption. He attacks freedom of the press, calling them “the enemy of the people,” while he speaks with forked tongue on over 15,000 falsehoods. And now, the Republican Senate has fully embraced and normalized lawbreaking, corruption, and evil. How long can evil win in America?
Greg Rendahl
Ostrander, Minn.
Kim Wentworth says
Is this a msnbc news feed and commentary. Is this a transcript of ridiculous rachael madcow or the embelsher brian williams? It is hard to discuss or debate something so damn far from the truth.
TRUMP 2024 says
WE WILL VOTE AND ELECT TRUMP we do not buy into these twisted lies.
ERL says
What we are witnessing is the conception and gestation, if not the birth of a dictatorship. Starting in 1934, upon the death of Hindenburg, all German soldiers pledged unconditional loyalty to Adolph Hitler — not to Germany, or its constitution, but to the person of Adolph Hitler. They had to. This pivotal point in time, after a long gestation of Hitler’s rise in the Nazi party, was the birth of a dictatorship.
What disturbs me most isn’t the despicable behavior of Donald Trump, or even that so many would still vote for him because they perceive the good to out weigh the bad, but rather that there is a complete and utter unwillingness to call him out on anything. Mitt Romney was the only republican not dying, or retiring, with enough courage to call out his bad behavior, Yet even he waited long — until it seemed his career is dead or dying anyway. Good grief, were Mitt and John McCain suddenly evil-going-to-hell-Communists for calling out Trump’s worst behavior?
What we may have thought a joke when first pronounced “I could shoot someone on fifth avenue and still get elected” is becoming dangerously close to reality. Boot-licking, or cowardice, or retirement, or death are acceptable, but God-forbid anyone contradict Trump.
The consolidation of power around Trump the person combined with the complete disregard of Truth in matters both large and small make a mockery of our Constitution, especially its carefully designed balance of powers and its first amendment protections of speech, a free press, peaceful assembly, freedom FROM as well as OF religion, and our ability to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Indeed, the best way to prevent the need for the second amendment is to use the first. And the best way to protect both of those as well as the other bill of rights is to be aware of history and to always value TRUTH and INTEGRITY while fulfilling our DUTY TO VOTE.
Let’s not let November 2020, be our 1934.