The person who is elected as our next president will most likely have some affect on all of us and the future of our country for good or for ill. I am amazed and troubled by the apparent support Donald Trump has been able to amass. In my opinion, Trump is totally unfit to serve as our President and Commander in Chief.
The fact that there will be a cabinet, a seemingly reasonable and measured vice-president, and staff to advise Trump if he is elected, means nothing. He obviously doesn’t listen to anyone advising him now. As George W. Bush famously said when he was president, “I am the decider.” To have Trump as the decider, a person who seems unstable and a creator of his own facts, who is without moral fiber and a core, and who apparently has an inability to feel shame or empathy, is terrifying.
He has demonstrated through public appearances prior to the campaign, in his business activities, and during this campaign that Trump looks out for Trump and only Trump and his immediate family. He has been ruthless in his businesses, letting small business owners, investors, and contractors take it on the chin so he can make more money. He uses average people to enrich himself. Trump brags about getting wealthier using “other peoples’ money.”
We have to look at the practical consequences of our decision in this election. A protest vote while admirable and understandable for either Gary Johnson or Jill Stein could in the end give us Trump. I understand the desire to express discontent with Washington. There has been a rejection of both major parties by large numbers. The failure of Washington to act and move forward and to be fair and equitable, along with its willingness to bow to well funded special interests, is real and disappointing. Both major parties are responsible.
Many want to see change, I get that. Change can be for the worse and that possibility must be considered. We are better than Donald Trump. America is great because of the values we have and the values that guide our lives. We are stronger united than divided. Trump has deepened the divisions between us, making us weaker.
It is understandable that 14 newspapers have endorsed Hillary Clinton for president, several which have traditionally endorsed the Republican candidate. Four have endorsed Johnson and zero have endorsed Trump. These editorial boards look closely at the pluses and minuses and they understand the issues and challenges both here and around the world. They have determined that Trump is not presidential material.
Trump has attempted to destroy the public’s trust in American institutions and even in our republic to rev up his base. These institutions are relevant and necessary in a civilized society. Most disturbing is his constant disparagement of news media. A vibrant media is essential in a democracy to keep us informed and to separate fact from fiction. Consumers of various media sources need to look into the reliability of the source. Numerous sources of information prevent tunnel vision. Trump has successfully manipulated the press while simultaneously delegitimizing the press.
There is room for improvement and reform in government, but burning the house down is not the answer. Our government is based on the stable foundation of the United States Constitution which has served this country well over two centuries. Like most houses some careful updates and improvements are in order. America is still the land of opportunity. That opportunity has been more available to some than others. Ways to level the playing field need to be identified and implemented.
Party loyalties should not come before loyalty to country. Those of you that are loyal Republicans and conservatives, do you really want Trump to be the leader of your party? Please search your conscience, leaving emotion at the door, then vote.
Hillary Clinton has been demonized and vetted over the past quarter century and she wears the scars. She is not a perfect choice, but given the alternatives, she is the only choice. She has the experience to step into the oval office on day one and be ready to lead. She understands the complexities of the world. She is determined, stable, and has a strong work ethic. During her time in the Senate, she demonstrated her pragmatism and an ability to work with the other side to the benefit of the country. I believe she will do her best to work with Congress to move our country forward.
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