By Steve Zmyewski
Houston, MN
The first century disciples of Jesus would not recognize the extreme Christian nationalist movement that is sweeping across America today.
Laced with character assassination, conspiracy theory, disinformation, slander, white supremacy and motivated by fear Christian nationalists vilify anyone whose politics don’t line up with theirs as they demonstrate a form of Christianity that is anything but. These political day traders promote a toxic political agenda using fear-based messaging to draw followers while Americanizing the name of Jesus to leverage their agenda. Christian nationalism deflates God into their own likeness while turning all the teachings of first century Jesus’ upside down linking the future of the church with the future of America. It is a fusion of Christianity and nationalism all dressed up as patriotism making a mockery of true Christians.
Christian nationalism isn’t anything new. Nazi sympathizers have been promoting it for decades. You can bet that Christian nationalists were not standing compassionately at the gates of Auschwitz. Make no mistake, Christian nationalism wasn’t a conservative movement then and it isn’t a conservative movement now, it is radical.
How is it possible that people who call themselves Christians could ravenously swallow the rhetoric of this Christian nationalist movement with cult- like behavior? How could the masses be fooled into believing their message? How can these people function normally believing in conspiracy theories? How could they turn their back on Jesus? Thomas Paine, revolutionary philosopher, does have an answer. “To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”
Jesus, who was born in the Middle East, didn’t speak English, wasn’t white, not an evangelical, not an American nor a Christian, refused to take sides in the culture wars of his day. He knew the consequences of what we are learning today. Choosing a side alienates people and you can’t make disciples of those you alienate. First century disciples of Jesus didn’t get involved with political matters. They did the work Jesus commanded by teaching what HE taught them.
As communicator, author and pastor Andy Stanley writes, “publicly aligning a local church behind a political party or candidate is betrayal, pure and simple. Jesus didn’t come to upgrade or fix something. He came to rule in our hearts and reign over our behavior. Saving America is not the mission of the church.”
These false prophets, blasphemers and blind fools use Christianity to hide their quest for political power believing the United States was founded on Christianity and Christianity should have a privileged position in American society. Ignored are the words of Thomas Jefferson: “The U.S. government in any sense is not founded on Christian religion.” Christian nationalists see the culture wars of today as a mission the Christian church must conquer leading their congregations and those who will listen to believe that following Jesus means controlling American society. For the people who walk away from these churches, it isn’t un-Christ-like, it is Christ-like.
In our American culture, values and principles are becoming obsolete. We face a major problem in many churches today with people doing what is absolutely wrong and presenting a case for why it is so right.
Beware of those who are ignorant to conspiracy and put individual freedom ahead of individual responsibility while calling their political agenda God’s will, these people cannot separate their own will from God’s will.
Beware of those who volunteer Jesus as part of their political agenda. In the most recorded event in the history of the world Jesus is not killed by Godless people but by religious leaders of HIS own faith who out of self-interest handed HIM over to the Roman government, making for the greatest tragedy in the history of human kind as humans killed their own creator.
Christian nationalism serves no purpose but to promote a strange fusion of Christianity with American civic life, Americanizing Jesus in the process.
You can’t be a Christian nationalist and follow Jesus.
Gerald J. Boyum says
Request one change to my submission “Democratic Socialism Major Threat to America” which was submitted yesterday, Dec. 19th, in response to “Americanizing Jesus.”
Change requested: 3rd paragraph, 2nd sentence should read ” and Law is whatever they say it is.
Gerald J. Boyum says
In “Americanizing Jesus”, Dec 6, 2022, the author discussed the problem of “Christian Nationalism” which may be reactions to the “elephant in the room”, Democratic Socialism. This ideology, which is based on godless Marxism, is pervasive in society, universities, much of the press, Hollywood, Democratic Socialist Party, and the Biden presidency. It is cloaked in deceptive labels such as “progressive”, and democratic socialism. It has failed everywhere it’s been tried.
It involves a failure of economic policy and false assumptions about man’s nature. Central planning, reliance on huge military expenditures, no incentives to work over bare minimum or to be creative in entrepreneurial activity, leaders reliant on favors to gain positions vs. expertise and experience, man’s nature can be changed, and leaders will act for the “common good”- history demonstrates otherwise.
Democratic Socialism is based on godless Marxism. Moral relativism prevails, ends justify the means, and Law is what they it is. There is no accountability in an afterlife; i. e’, “no one is watching.” Over 100 million citizens were murdered by their governments in the 20th century alone.
The Democratic Party is not the party of Truman and JFK who were staunch anti-communists, Fundamental transformation of the Democratic Party started at the 1968 Democratic National Convention when anti-communists were purged from the party.
“…there is no consequential distinction between Marxist Socialism, National Socialism, or the most recent incarnation of this beast, Democratic Socialism. The objective of socialism by any name, is to replace Rule of Law with the rule of men, and the terminus of this transformation is tyranny.” (Mark Alexander, “The Socialist Democratic Party, The Fundamental Transformation of America”)
“…the most serious threat to our democracy is the Democratic Party…” (The Democratic Party is a major threat to America by Elizabeth Stauffer)
Gerald J. Boyum
Rochester, MN
“In our place and elsewhere, we say “Merry Christmas” to all! and a Happy New Year!”
Bill says
You say it was the greatest tragedy that Jesus died at the hands of the so called Christians? It was not a tragedy, it was Gods plan from the beginning and is our Salvation. You need to stick to things that edify rather than stirring the political pot more.
Denise Rostad says
Well-reasoned and well-written. Thank you for this commentary.