Each year, members of 4-H from all over the state travel to the Minnesota State Fair to show their animals and projects. This year was no exception for Fillmore Central High School seniors Morgan Wingert and Garrett Aggen. Both have been a part of 4-H for many years and have participated in numerous fairs, both county and state. Morgan shows dairy cattle and Garrett shows cattle and pigs.
“I have always had a love for dairy cows,” Morgan explained. “Showing and judging dairy cattle has been one of my biggest hobbies.” Although he also shows cattle, Garrett prefers the swine project category. “I have many friends who I’ve met through showing pigs,” he said. This year, he brought five pigs and one Simmental heifer to the Fillmore County Fair, and Morgan brought five dairy cattle, which included two Ayrshires, two Brown Swiss, and one Holstein. When it came time to head to the Minnesota State Fair, Morgan decided to show her Ayshire Summer Yearling, which took First in Class, Grand Champion Ayrshire at the county fair. Garrett took his Champion Purebred Duroc barrow pig.
Before leaving for the state fair, Morgan and Garrett both had a lot of work to do. The animals had to be conditioned by practicing showmanship and being walked daily. “Preparing for the fair is the best part of the process,” Morgan said. This year, Morgan faced some unique challenges as the harsh 2018/19 winter pushed back the breeding dates, causing a shortage of yearling heifers. However, she’s optimistic that the problem will be corrected in the coming year, and the cows will be able to calve on time.
Both Morgan and Garrett arrived at the fair on August 21. Garrett showed his pig at the swine show on August 23, and Morgan showed her Ayrshire on the 24th. But there was a lot more to it than participating in one showing. When they each arrived on that Wednesday, they first had to prepare and set up the stalls/pens for their animals and check them in. Over the next few days, they were interviewed and quizzed about their livestock. Then came the actual show, during which they were judged. Both Morgan and Garrett received purple ribbons and placed first. Morgan was also a grade 10-11 interview winner and placed eighth overall in the dairy showcase. Garrett received the title of Champion Purebred Barrow. It wasn’t all work though. Morgan, Garrett and the rest of the 4-Hers from Fillmore County were able to spend time together while enjoying the state fair.
Although the fair wrapped up on September 7, the work isn’t over for the members of 4-H. “We never really stop working and developing our projects,” Morgan explained. “Our heifers are washed and walked every day. I like spending time picking out the bulls to breed to our heifers, correcting faults and planning ahead to the next generation of our show string. We really start to get our animals in the show season routine about March and take them through October then we get them ready for winter.” Garrett agreed, adding that he puts many hours into his projects and his pigs year-round. He works hard to make sure that all the pigs in the barn stay healthy while deciding which one to show at the next fair.
“4-H has been an experience of a lifetime,” Morgan said. “This organization has helped me gain confidence, develop leadership skills, educate the public about what I’m passionate about, and help younger 4-H members who want to get involved. It has also given me the opportunity to form strong friendships from people all over the state.” Garrett agreed. “4-H has been a big part of my life,” he said. “I have met some of my best friends in 4-H.” Both highly recommend 4-H to others. “Joining 4-H is a decision you won’t regret,” Morgan said. “It will give you so many opportunities to put yourself out there, meet new people, and learn new things.”
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