The Caledonia City Council met in regular session, Monday, February 28, from 6–7:09 p.m. at city hall. Mayor DeWayne “Tank” Schroeder led the council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
In addition to the mayor, council members in attendance included Amanda Ninneman, David Fitzpatrick, and Brad Rykhus. Council members Robert “Bob” Klug was absent.
Also present were Public Works/Zoning Director Casey Klug, Clerk/Administrator Adam Swann, Finance Officer Stephanie Mann, and Taylor Skauge and A.J. Hoscheit with Richard’s Sanitation.
The minutes from the February 14 regular city council meeting were approved.
Kaleb Fish is the new casual, part-time Caledonia police officer.
Finance Officer Stephanie Mann announced at the beginning of her report, “All entries and end-of entries have been made for the audit.” Mann reviewed the reports on cash and investments, long-term debt, and the final pre-audit 2021 budget v. actual for General Fund, special revenue funds, and enterprise funds. Mann feels pretty good about the upcoming audit and does not expect the auditors to find anything. The auditors will be working in-house one day during the second week of March and on the other days the auditors will be working remotely from Rochester.
Director Casey Klug reported that it looks like the shade trees will be delivered between April 18 and 22. He also mentioned that the windows project at the auditorium is complete, with the mayor adding, “It looks like a new building.” Klug added, “You can fill the difference when you go in the building.” Klug completed his report by announcing that the lounge chairs arrived.
New Business
The Council approved the 2022-2023 labor agreement between the City of Caledonia and Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc., Local #413.
After hearing the detailed report from Mann, the council approved Resolution 2022-2 authorizing the transfer of net revenues of $200,000 from the 2021 general fund to capital improvement fund to use on future street improvement projects. The resolution explains that the net revenues came from a variety of sources and departments, Municipal State Aid, League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust dividend, and areas in the General Fund that came in under budget.
The council approved the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) No. 2 between the City of Caledonia and International Union of Operating Engineers Local 49.
The council reviewed the draft agreement between the city and Richard’s Sanitation for residential solid waste collection services. On behalf of Richard’s Sanitation, Taylor Skauge was available to answer questions. Skauge was asked to come back to the March 14 council meeting with pricing for a 5-year contract, a 7- or 8-year contract, and a 10-year contract. Currently, the proposed agreement is written as a 5-year contract with the option to renew for five more years.
The council approved the proposed revisions to the street maintenance technician job description and authorize staff to advertise for a street maintenance technician.
The council authorized the city attorney to draft a proposed interim ordinance to establish a study to look at grain bins and grain drying within the city and a one-year moratorium. Swann emphasized that “the council is not voting on the moratorium tonight.”
Council members approved using the $300,854 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for street and sewer projects.
The next regularly scheduled Caledonia City Council meeting will be held on Monday, March 14, at 6 p.m. at the Caledonia City Hall, 231 E. Main Street, Caledonia. The meeting is open to the public.
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