Farm Products
Grand Champion, Greg Dornink, Preston
Grand Champion, Laurie Syverson, Harmony
Reserve Champion, Sherry Hareldson, Rochester
Champion, Monica Ortner, Harmony
Youth Champion, Audra Otto, Harmony
Grand Champion, Sheila Craig, Preston
Reserve Champion, Monica Ortner, Preston
Champion, Pine Tree Orchard, Preston
Grand Champion, Don Fishbaugher, Preston
Reserve Champion, Gerann Hanson, Fountain
Grand Champion, Andy Walsh, Preston
Reserve Champion, Loren Steen, St Ansgar, Iowa
Champion, Dale Glenn, Preston
Grand Champion, Floral Arrangement, Donna Erdman, Wykoff
Reserve Champion, Floral Arrangement, Elaine Devries, Preston
Grand Champion – Specimens, Plants and Collections, Ruth Eickoff, Wykoff
Reserve Champion – Specimens, Plants and Collections, Ruth Eickoff, Wykoff
Youth Grand Champion, Audra Otto, Harmony
Youth Reserve Grand Champion, Shellania Rudlong, Chatfield
Grand Champion, Dave Hanson, Fountain
Reserve Grand Champion, Dave Hanson, Fountain
Champion, Geri Hanson, Fountain
Grand Champion, Dylan Thorson, Harmony
Reserve Grand Champion, Matt Engen, Canton
Baked Products
Grand Champion, Joanne Gillespie, Fountain
Reserve Grand Champion, Kathryn Bigalk, Harmony
Champion, Norma Vogt, Preston
Grand Champion, Jenny Dornink, Preston
Reserve Grand Champion, Eunice Biel, Harmony
Champion, Elaine Boland, Spring Valley
Champion Youth, Audra Otto, Harmony
Baked Products
14 and Under
Champion, Audra Otto, Harmony
Fine Art
Grand Champion Fine Arts, Cathy Groebner, St. Charles
Reserve Champion Fine Arts, Cora Mathison, Preston
Champion Preschool, Eliza Aggen, Harmony
Champion Elementary 1, Cora Mathison, Preston
Champion Elementary 2, Alexis Newman, Chatfield
Champion Youth, Olivia Sethre, Fountain
Champion Amateur, Cathy Groebner, St. Charles
Grand Champion, Brooke Boelter, Chatfield
Reserve Champion, William Sullivan, Chatfield
Champion, Brenda Nash-Eickoff, Wykoff
Champion, Ken Fetterly, Spring Valley
Champion, Bob Smock, Preston
Grand Champion, Susan Nash, Wykoff
Reserve Champion, Mary Zimmerman, Preston
Champion, Ann Sparks, Preston
Champion, Donna Dreir, Preston
Champion, Ann Sparks, Preston
Golden Age Needlework
Grand Champion, Janice Poldervaard, Spring Valley
Reserve Champion, Ila Olstad, Preston
Champion, Esther Kelly, Lanesboro
Champion, Janice Poldervaard, Spring Valley
Champion, Esther Kellly, Lanesboro
Boys and Girls Needlework
Grand Champion, Lauren Mensink, Preston
Reserve Champion, Audra Otto, Harmony
Champion, Promise Severson, Harmony
Champion, Audra Otto, Harmony
Champion, Promise Severson, Harmony
Grand Champion, Sharon Goldsmith, Chatfield
Reserve Champion, Barb Michel, Harmony
Champion, Ann Sparks, Preston
Champion, Mary Zimmerman, Preston
Champion, Susan Philips, Harmony
Golden Age Quilts
Grand Champion, Mary Zimmerman, Preston
Reserve Champion, Merrily Dale, Preston
Champion, Donna Drier, Preston
Champion, Irene Nelson, Spring Valley
Champion, Jerilyn Grooters: Preston
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