Why I honor the American flag
By Jenna Tieskotter
Why do you honor the American flag? This is a very good question. I believe that honoring the flag is very important. Everyone should ask themselves this question and really think about why they honor the flag.
The flag is a symbol of many things. It’s a symbol of freedom, rights, and national pride. If you go to an event, you will almost always see the flag and sing the National Anthem. In the National Anthem it says, “our flag was still there.” This means that after bombing and wars, our flag is still hoisted high. Our flag is very important to the people in our country.
When I was younger and didn’t understand the flag, I honored it because my parents and everyone else did. Now that I’m older and have more knowledge, I have seen that the flag is not just a banner; it represents freedom. I’m so thankful that our country is a free country. I honor the flag not just because it stands for freedom, but because I want to show respect to all the soldiers and veterans.
When I honor the flag, I also think of the military. The military does many things to help keep our country. Soldiers protect and keep our country safe. I respect everyone in the military because their jobs can be really dangerous and full of sacrifice. When you honor the flag, you should not only think about freedom, but think about the people who sacrificed their lives for our country.
All Americans should honor the flag. I hope next time you see a flag, you think about our freedoms, rights, and what the flag really stands for. Everyone who lives in America should know what the flag really means. I am grateful for my freedoms and I am thankful for the soldiers who provided them for me; that’s why I honor the flag.
Jenna Tieskotter, of Preston, is an eighth grader at Fillmore Central.
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