Registration is now open for the second series of Transitioning to Organic orkshops hosted by the University of Minnesota. Our local meeting will be held Wednesday, December 7, 2016 in room HB117 of the Heintz Center in Rochester, Minn. This is a free, one-day workshop that will build on the information presented in the first series of workshops hosted last year.
The Transitioning to Organic workshops have been developed for both producers who are seeking more information about organic transitioning and certification, and for farmers who are currently going through the process of transitioning to organic production. These workshops primarily will be directed to field crop producers, but all are welcome.
Building on the information and feedback from last year’s workshops, 2016 topics include business plan development and marketing, understanding soil microbes, weed biology, and mechanical weed management. Experienced organic farmer, Carmen Fernholz, will be returning to present and field questions. The team of presenters from the University of Minnesota includes Kristine Moncada, Adria Fernandez, Gigi Digiacomo and Constance Carlson. The Transitioning to Organic workshops are designed to reduce confusion, answer questions, and most importantly, provide guidance for navigating the process toward organic production.
Space is limited, so attendees are encouraged to RSVP as soon as possible. Easy, one-click registration and a full agenda are available on the eOrganic website: If you have any questions please contact Constance Carlson, University of Minnesota Extension,, (612) 709-6790.
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