At the May 25 meeting of the Fillmore County Board, recent upgrades to the county’s website were discussed. EDA director Chris Hahn had encouraged a separate website to highlight businesses, local events and celebrations, and cities. Much of what he imagined is now available at
County Administrator Bobbie Hillery had maintained that the county’s current website could be used to make available this kind of information to the public. It was decided to try to add this additional information to the county’s current website by adding links to promote local events and cities. If you visit the website and click on the Live, Work, and Play tab you will find links to city websites. A Fillmore County Resource Guide details information on available services, for example, services and programs that range from financial help, food and housing assistance, legal services, recreation, school district offices, and much, much more.
There is a link to each area Chamber of Commerce (Preston, Rushford, Harmony, and Lanesboro) and a page for Fillmore County events, which lists local festivities and events throughout the county.
A tab to highlight county businesses has not been developed at this point. Hahn said he could build a business list and make sure contact information is correct. He wants to give representation to smaller communities that do not have a Chamber of Commerce. Hahn said we would make sure the data base is maintained.
Feedlot officer/zoning
technician/GIS position
With the recent resignation of Blake Lea the board has developed a temporary plan to accomplish the duties of the position. Commissioner Duane Bakke commented that these are not necessarily long term fixes. Duties related to the feedlot officer will be carried out with the coordination of SWCD and Zoning to help with inventory and inspections of feedlots.
Septic inspections and soil verifications will be outsourced to septic inspectors over the summer.
GIS will be maintained and done by Schneider Geospatial through an existing contract.
After a review of the position, a decision will be made on a replacement or the contracting out for the various duties.
Other business in brief
•Brandon Schad, DNR, reviewed a proposal by Pheasants Forever (Tri-county Chapter) to purchase about 15 acres from Charlotte Beddow in Section 27, Beaver Township. The land is adjacent to the Beaver Creek Wildlife Management Area (approximately 400 acres). It is to be an addition to the WMA. It consists of native prairie and wetlands; there is no cropland on the 15 acres. The property will eventually be transferred to the state. No concerns were expressed by Beaver Township supervisors. Mark Dean said his Pheasants Forever chapter will do maintenance after the DNR takes ownership. The board approved the acquisition as proposed.
•Assessor Jason McCaslin requested approval to purchase an updated GIS tool from Pro-West & Associates. The proposed purchase was discussed in Technology Committee. McCaslin said it would help create and maintain a Land Use Layer by measuring soil quality for land valuation (tillable, pasture, waste) for GIS. He noted that a lot of the current data is incorrect. The purchase was approved. The estimate for PWA services is $1,302 and the annual maintenance is $850.
•Jessica Erickson, director of nursing, requested that the board approve the purchase of 10 sit-stand desks at a cost of $8,500 to be paid for with grant funds. The purchase was approved. She also requested the purchase of 20 chairs at a cost of $9,463 to be paid for with grant funds. Current chairs are over 15 years old. The purchase was approved.
•A resolution was adopted to authorize the Minnesota Department of Transportation Grant agreement for federal airport expenses reimbursement. Monies are from the Airport Coronavirus Grant Program under the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriation Act. The funds are to reimburse eligible expenses (maintenance and operations) at a local airport. The amount of funding is determined by airport activity by the Federal Aviation Administration. The grant of about $13,000 was accepted.
Work Order # 3 with SEH for T Hangar construction administration was approved. The total labor costs and expenses are not to exceed $95,300. This represented a 9% reduction in engineering costs.
•Brooke Harmening was hired as a replacement accounting technician effective June 1.
Sarah Kohn was transferred from property appraiser to accounting technician in Auditor/Treasurer department effective June 7.
The advertisement for a replacement property appraiser was approved.
The transfer of Gretchen Schwichtenberg from office support specialist, Sr. to child support officer effective June 1 was approved.
Approval was given to advertise for replacement office support specialist, Sr.
The Phased Retirement Agreement with Deb Jeffers, paralegal, was extended for one year effective June 1.
•A resolution was adopted for Snowmobile Trail Agreements with Minnesota DNR.
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