Mayor Scott Solberg called the special meeting of the Spring Grove City Council to order at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, via Zoom. Council members present: Mayor Scott Solberg, Karen Folstad, Chad Rohland, and Trent Turner.
The meeting’s purpose is to fill the vacant seat created when Councilmember Solberg was elected mayor. Councilmember Folstad moves to appoint Travis Torgerson to fill Solberg’s remaining term ending December 31, 2022.
The Council approved allowing the Morning Madness group to use the Fest Building per COVID-19’s guidelines.
The special meeting adjourned at 5:06 p.m.
Mayor Scott Solberg called the Spring Grove City Council’s regular meeting to order at 6 p.m. Tuesday, January 19, 2021. Councilmembers Travis Torgerson, Trent Turner, Karen Folstad, Chad Rohland were in attendance.
Also present Julie Amundson, city clerk/administrator, Jordan Gerard, Caledonia Argus, Charlene Selbee, Fillmore County Journal, and Courtney Bergy Swanson, CEDA.
The Council approved the agenda as presented.
The Council moved to approve the consent agenda including minutes from the regular meeting December 15, 2020, special meeting January 12, 2021, Claims and Accounts, Resolution 21-01 Designating Official Depository (Merchants Bank), Resolution 21-02 Appointing Fire Department Officers, Resolution 21-03 Approving Gambling Premises Permit for Legion, Resolution 21-04 Approving Gambling Premises Permit for Commercial Club, Resolution 21-05 Accepting Parks Donation ($1,000 from Minnesota Energy Resources), Resolution 21-06 Accepting Fire Department Donation ($1,650 from Dunn Blacktop), Resolution 21-07 Authorizing Transfer of Funds, and Resolution 21-08 Accepting Gift from Spring Grove Communications ($9,000).
Fire Chief Turner recapped 2020. The department responded to 22 calls, which is up from previous years. Due to the pandemic, the number of meeting and training exercises were down. The department has 23 members and are expecting to add two more this month. Mutual aid to assist the Mabel Fire Department was provided by supplying water. The chief thanked the city for providing the cepartment with a side by side.
At the first Council meeting each year the mayor delegates Council members to serve as Council liaisons to city departments. Mayor Solberg submitted his list of appointments.
The Council appointed Councilmember Karen Folstad as mayor pro tem for 2021.
The city received two bids for the official paper of record for 2021. The Fillmore County Journal submitted a bid for $1.50 per column inch with all residents in the Spring Grove zip code receiving the newspaper (1,097 households). The Caledonia Argus submitted a bid of $7.25 per column inch. The Council moved to accept and approved the Caledonia Argus bid for 2021.
Mayor Solberg reminded the Council that the city applied and received an $8,000 grant from the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) for the Spring Grove Landscape Partnership Project on State Highway 44. MnDOT will design for the planting scheme and provide the city with a shopping list. The city will be reimbursed for the purchase of trees and mulch. Mayor Solberg explained that funds for the labor are not included, so it will be a “volunteer kind of day” where residents will be asked to help with the planting. The city can apply for $8,000 to finish the project next year. Resolution 21-10 authorizes city employee Erin Konkel to submit receipts to MnDOT for reimbursement on behalf of the city.
Councilmember Folstad asked about walking in the Fest Building now that it is getting colder and the building is open for the Morning Madness group twice a week. The Council approved opening the Fest Building to walkers as long there is interest. The hours will be the same as before, and the city will give it a try for two weeks.
On behalf of the EDA, Courtney Bergey Swanson, CEDA, asked for the Council’s input on the following two topics:
Swanson summarized the EDA’s view on the need for a Downtown Development District Ordinance and explained the pros and cons of such an ordinance. The purpose of the ordinance is to maximize the use of the buildings and create a vibrant downtown. The Council agreed to continue the conversation with the EDA and look at the best path going forward.
Swanson updated the Council on the cost of maintaining the website and the registration fee for the domain name which are paid for by the EDA. The EDA would like to have a discussion with the city about the website in preparation for 2022. The Council agreed that they should meet with the EDA. Swanson emphasized that 2021 will be the year to “refresh the website.”
Council members had a lengthy discussion regarding changing the hours of open swim as there are very people taking advantage of open swim from 5-6 p.m. Co-managers Mariah Edgington and Alyssa Johnson explained that shortening the open swim time would allow for earlier swim lesson times. No action was taken until Councilmembers Folstad and Rohland discuss the issue with Edgington and Johnson.
The Council approved not to waive the liability coverage through the League of Minnesota Cities.
Julie Amundson, the city administrator/clerk, presented the proposed updates to Chapter 708 – Deposits on Streets and Sidewalks Prohibited. If approved, it will no longer be acceptable to sweep or shovel snow from the sidewalks into the central business district’s adjacent street. Another significant change is that sidewalks must be cleared within 24 hours of the end of a snowfall or deposited debris. Pedestrians must be able to use the sidewalks safely. The item was tabled until next month.
The Spring Grove City Council’s next regular meeting is February 16, 2021, at 6 p.m. via Zoom. The public is invited to dial-in. Contact city hall at (507) 498-221 to be included in remote meetings
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