Caledonia City Clerk/Administrator Jake Dickson noted at the October 9 city council meeting that there were a few “hiccups” in the beginning of the Grove Marshall Street project, but it seems like at the tail end they have been moving fast.
The concrete company will be back out on Thursday, October 12, and if the weather cooperates, residents can expect to see blacktop laid the week of October 16.
The council approved a payment of $278,747.71 to Zenke Incorporated for the Grove Marshall Street project. This is the fourth “payout.”
Dickson added, “Happy to get this one done.”
Mayor DeWayne (Tank) Schroeder called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Caledonia City Council to order at 6 p.m. and led his colleagues and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Schroeder announced that all members were present, Robert (Bob) Klug, Amanda Ninneman, Mayor Schroeder, David Fitzpatrick and Ryan Stenzel.
The council approved both the meeting agenda and the minutes from the September 25 council meeting as written.
In new business, the council approved the local road improvement program and the Solution Builders proposal.
Resolution 2023-15 authorizing the State of Minnesota Local Road Improvement program application. In addition, Houston County Commissioners must agree to sponsor the application because the money cannot go directly to the city; it must go through a separate entity. Commissioners will consider the city’s request at the October 24 commission meeting. The funds will be used to extend Warrior Drive from Esch Drive to MN 76. Dickson explained that there are ineligible costs, legal, engineering, and administration costs that will not be covered by the $265,000 grant. Unused capital project funds, or unspent funds from an earlier project can be used to cover the ineligible costs. Dickson said, “It will make a big difference.”
Dickson asked the council to approve the quote from Solution Builders for $8,500 noting that it was not budgeted. He added that the email migration to Office 365 was “more of a want than a need.” After Dickson answered the council’s questions, the quote was unanimously approved with the stipulation that the project not exceed $8,500.
In other business, the council:
• Approved payments and disbursement.
• Approved closing Pine Street from Lincoln to Main on Friday, October 13, for Fire Prevention Day. The fire department will be offering educational programs and conducting fire safety demonstrations.
• Accepted a $9,219 donation from Caledonia Area Firefighters Gambling for the purchase of lockers for the fire department.
• Approved three sign permits: Semcac, 138 E. Main; Tree Huggers Co-op, 603 Esch Drive; and American Insurance Services, 121 S. Marshall St.
• Approved the hiring of Mitch Gavin and Adam Hoscheit as volunteer firefighters, bringing the total number to 33.
• Authorized a payment of $816,831.37 to Wapasha Construction Co. The wastewater treatment plant project is expected to be completed next spring. According to the staff report, the Clean Water Fund grant and loan program are funding the project. Upon completion of the project, sewer user charges will be updated to repay the loan.
• Reviewed the overtime reports for the period from September 18 through October 1. No action is required.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:21 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled at 6 p.m. on Monday, October 23 at the Caledonia city hall. The public is encouraged to attend.
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