Eitzen City Council members in attendance at the October 12, regular meeting included Mayor Jeffrey Adamson, Emily Burrichter, Mitch Lange, Doug Meyer, and Mitch Luttchens. Others in attendance were Steve Schuldt, city clerk, and Darryl Meyer, maintenance.
Mayor Adamson called the meeting to order at 6:09 p.m.
The council unanimously approved the minutes of the September 14, regular city council meeting.
Delinquent accounts were reviewed and discussed. Mayor Adamson asked Schuldt to send letters reminding customers that they are behind with their payments.
The sidewalk extension project is still not on the contractor’s schedule to complete.
Mayor Adamson tabled the dog ordinance discussion until the November meeting.
The city received $13,174.22 from the American Rescue Plan fund. The city is looking into the cost of purchasing generators for the well house, city hall and fire station, and the community center. A contractor is meeting with maintenance on October 13 to determine the city’s needs and what it will cost. Council members feel that it is critical for the city hall and fire station to have a generator in case of an outage since they provide emergency services. In addition, the city’s emergency plan is to have residents brought to the community center in case of an emergency. Councilmember Meyer mentioned a grant for fire departments that the town could apply for additional funding.
Council members approved purchasing the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (MCIT) liability coverage waiver.
Meyer updated the council on the installation of poles scheduled for Wednesday, October 13. Ten poles need to be replaced; the four electric poles will be replaced tomorrow, and the street light poles will be replaced later. The electricity will be shut off at 7 a.m. on Wednesday, October 13. There are eight to 10 poles that will be treated. Council Member Burrichter asked how the poles are treated, with Meyer explaining the process of lubing them so they do not rot. The age of the poles ranges from 1954-2001, with many being installed in 1974 and others being newer.
Councilmember Meyer mentioned that there are approximately 30 houses in town without house numbers by the front door. The department plans on contacting the homeowners to explain the importance of the numbers and suggested specifications. It is recommended that numbers be between four to six inches high and reflective to be seen from the street. The numbers need to be installed by the front door or by the entry you want EMS personnel to use, as long as the entry is visible from the street.
Meyer also informed the council that the pumper truck is due to be replaced in 2025. Instead, the fire department has decided to refurbish it at significant cost-savings to the city.
Mayor Adamson called to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the Eitzen City Council is Tuesday, November 9, at 6 p.m., Eitzen City Hall (next to the fire station), 202 East Main Street, Eitzen. Contact Steve Schuldt, City Clerk, at (507) 495-3017 or eitzen@acegroup.cc. Office hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
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