Photo by Kaitlin Longhauser
Spring Grove City Council members met Tuesday, November 21 at 168 West Main Street in Room 100. Mayor Saundra Solum called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. Council members present included Trent Turner, Chad Rohland, Heather Edgington, and Karen Folstad. Also in attendance were City/Clerk Administrator Jana Elton and Spring Grove’s newest council member, Michael Hagen.
Council member Rohland received a friendly farewell from his fellow council members. Rohland thanked everyone for his time serving on the Spring Grove City Council and wished his successor, Hagen, good luck.
The council unanimously adopted both the agenda and consent agenda.
Open Forum had no participants.
Old Business
Advertisements will be placed in the newspapers for Trollskogen Park White Log Cabin.
In 2021, the Spring Grove City Council had approved a new EV charger to be installed at the Fest Building. The city was to be in charge of the installation. With Spring Grove’s budget already set and nothing currently in the budget for the installation charges, City Clerk/Administrator Elton stated, “We need to figure out where we’re going to pull it (money) from.” Discussion took place on where to pull funding to pay the installation cost. Councilor Rohland moved, seconded by Folstad, to take funds out of the electric fund. In a unanimous vote, the council agreed.
New Business
Sheriff Brian Swedberg informed the council members about Houston County Ordinance No. 15 which pertains to cannabis use. Under the county’s ordinance, public smoking of cannabis is prohibited. Council member Edgington voiced her concern on public use of edibles. Sheriff Swedberg stated public consumption of edibles and vaping is permitted.
Elton shared Western Son submitted invoices that added up to roughly $5,000. Council member Rohland moved, seconded by Turner to approve. Motion carried unanimously.
Edgington proudly shared the Spring Grove Swim Center significantly increased their revenue this year due to decent summer weather and an increase in attendees. Edgington stated, “It was a dream year for the pool!”
Courtney Bergey Swanson, who works with CEDA (Community and Economic Development Associates), presented to the council a revised Development Agreement between the City of Spring Grove and SGREF 119-129 W. Main Street, LLC. Swanson

Photo by Kaitlin Longhauser
stated the original agreement did not include Megan Jones’ building located at 117 Main Street W., but the revised agreement does. In a unanimous vote to approve the revised Development Agreement, motion carried.
Swanson then presented her EDA Director’s Report. She shared that this last month EDA had worked towards helping those who experienced lay offs with Northern Engraving in addition to support new local businesses. Councilor Rohland expressed appreciation for the work Swanson and EDA do. Swanson touched on the revised Development Agreement that included Jones’ property. Swanson did a lot of outreach in search of a new hardware store tenant, unfortunately no new tenant has been found, so the search continues. Swanson and the council briefly discussed funding.
Spring Grove resident, Rachel Storlie, addressed the council about a letter she received in regards to city ordinance 100-E which deals with accessory buildings, structures, and uses. Storlie shared in 2019 she received a Civil War reenactment tent and has since put the tent up each summer. Storlie puts up the tent in June and takes the tent down in the beginning of autumn. The tent serves as a fun gathering space. Spring Grove city ordinance states that tents can only stay up for seven consecutive days or two weeks in a calendar year. Storlie’s tent was brought to attention recently due to another resident’s complaint. Storlie addressed the council in wanting to know whether or not her tent fits the scope for the city ordinance. After discussion, council members referred Storlie to Spring Grove’s Planning/Zoning board for further inquire as the board will look further into the matter.
City/Clerk Administrator Elton shared the city of Spring Grove had an excess of old decorations in storage, with no place to store the new decorations. Spring Grove gave the old decorations to the city of Mabel, Minn. Mabel put up the Christmas decorations around their town and sent a thank you card to the city of Spring Grove.
The meeting came to a close and adjourned at 7:37 p.m. The next regular Spring Grove City Council meeting will take place Tuesday, December 19 at 6 p.m. The meeting will be held at 168 West Main Street in Room 100. The public is invited to attend.
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