The Spring Grove City Council met Tuesday, July 19, at 6 p.m. at the Fest Building. Mayor Scott Solberg led the council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council members present include Mayor Solberg, Travis Torgerson, Chad Rohland, Trent Turner, and Karen Folstad.
Also present were City Clerk/Administrator Julie Amundson, CEDA Courtney Bergey Swanson via Zoom, and City Attorney Greg Schieber.
The council adopted the July 19 meeting agenda with one change and approved the consent agenda, including the minutes from the June 21 regular meeting with one correction and the July 6 closed meeting, financials, and accepted a $9,000 donation from Spring Grove Communications to support the city’s library services.
The Spring Grove City Council discussed the proposed inter-agency agreement with the Houston County Sheriff Department regarding policing services. Council members did their due diligence by asking questions of the city’s attorney and providing input regarding the proposed contract. Attorney Schieber shared his questions that will be addressed before the contract is signed.
Mayor Solberg started off by stating, “Greg, Julie, and I have been emailing back and forth a little bit with some potential changes.” He continued, asking Schieber if the changes they are referencing are contract changes or changes that can be made in the amendments. Schieber answered, “Both.”
It was noted that the start date has not been determined.
At the last Houston County Commissioner meeting, it was approved to start the hiring process for the two deputies.
The following section from the contract was clarified. “In the event that Houston County Sheriff’s Office determines that deputies assigned to patrol duty with the city are needed in other areas of Houston County to respond to an emergency situation, the Houston County Sheriff reserves the right to temporarily move the assigned patrol deputy from the city.”
Contract year 2023, contract fees are $305,933 per year for two deputies for 70 hours of coverage per week. Fees for 2024 will increase by 5% over the 2023 fee for policing services, $321,229.65 per year for two deputies for 70 hours of coverage per week.
It was noted that the contract may be canceled by either party at any time, with cause, during the initial term of contract with a minimum of six months written notice.
The Houston County Sheriff Office is responsible for providing mandatory training to personal as well as the required Minnesota POST licensing.
Questions regarding whether the deputies would enforce Spring Grove’s ordinances have come up in Spring Grove and Houston County meetings. The agreement spells out that the deputies would enforce ordinances classified as criminal and non-criminal ordinance violations are the responsibility of Spring Grove to enforce. Houston County Sheriff Office would enforce the curfew, public parks and recreation, traffic parking regulations, and recreational vehicles ordinances.
The council made the decision to table action on the contract until Amundson and Schieber meet with Houston County Sheriff Inglett to clarify/negotiate the questions that have arisen. Mayor Solberg asked Amundson to consult with Chief Folz for his input.
In other business, the board:
•Approved the recommendation to send Jana Elton to the LMC Clerk Academy;
•Approved the hiring of two firemen, Tory Connor and Eric Hanson;
The council went into closed session at 6:32 p.m. according to 13D.05 Subsection 3D to discuss the development of the Quonset area by Roverud Park.
It was announced that a budget meeting is scheduled for August 10 at 5:30 p.m. in city hall.
The Spring Grove City Council’s next regular meeting is Tuesday, August 16 at 6 p.m. at Spring Grove Communications room 100. The public is invited to attend.
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