The Fillmore County Board met on May 26 via WebEx. COVID-19 issues were attached to almost every item on the agenda.
A third extension of the county’s State of Emergency for continuing operations regarding the coronavirus was approved unanimously, extending the declaration to June 23. Public access to county facilities will be allowed as of June 1. Safety precautions will include six-foot distancing markers, spit guards, and hand sanitizing stations. The next county board meeting to be held on June 2 will be held in person in the board room. Those that are uncomfortable with meeting in person can join the meeting via WebEx or by telephone. 1 (408) 418-9388, access code 960 171 498
Some committee meetings may continue to be held via WebEx. Individuals involved may decide how they will meet. Commissioner Duane Bakke noted that the next planning commission, which will include a public hearing for a conditional use permit for a Fountain Township rock quarry, could be a combination of call-ins and in person depending on the guidelines in place at that time.
County Fair
Fair Board members Doug Lind, Aaron Mathison, and Mike Fenske reviewed updates to the fair grounds that have been made during the last year. Some lighting improvements/LED upgrades have been made, along with some window repairs/replacements. Mathison explained that the horse arena is being renovated using some grant funding. Fenske said some speakers have been donated, allowing for good sound in the arena and they are looking at improving the sound in the grandstand.
Lind noted the Minnesota State Fair was canceled last week due to the pandemic. He asked the county board for their input regarding a decision that will soon have to be made about the 2020 county fair. Lind admitted he had mixed feelings about opening the fair, adding that 31 counties have announced cancellations for this year. Mathison reported that many he has spoken with still want a normal fair. “We need to look out for our exhibitors and the general public.” He suggested they may be able to have a modified version.
Commissioner Mitch Lentz suggested they get data from 4-H to help make that decision. Mathison said there has not been much guidance from 4-H or the state. Lind commented that there has been a lot of interest from the livestock side. There are challenges as to how to do it within guidelines. He explained that any dollar amount they have at risk will be manageable.
Bakke expects more counties to cancel, adding most all of the celebrations up to the time of the fair have been canceled. He pointed out there have been closed shows in Colorado for 4-H kids and their families, which this would be more of a 4-H show than a fair. Lind acknowledged that most have gone with no spectators. Fenske suggested this will be mostly a 4-H decision. Commissioner Randy Dahl said he did not see the county saying no, only that proper guidelines should be followed.
Bakke asked if the fair board’s appropriation request will be the same for 2021 as in 2020. Lind said it will be. The fair board will meet in early June and may make a decision at that time.
Other business in brief
•Unanimous approval was given to have County Attorney Brett Corson send a letter to the Winneshiek County Attorney to terminate the Solid Waste Agreement for the delivery of solid waste to the Winneshiek County Landfill. The intention is to terminate the agreement effective July 1, 2020. There will be no further financial obligation, no obligation to send solid waste, or for them to receive solid waste for the remaining five years of the agreement. Drew Hatzenbihler, solid waste, said they will not meet the required tonnage this year. Winneshiek is not interested in lowering the required tonnage, as they complain the solid waste sent to them does not pack well and takes more space. Local haulers support termination of the contract and point out it is the primary reason for not using the Fillmore County facility. If Winneshiek agrees to terminate the contract, Fillmore County may still be responsible for landfill closure fees and post closure fees.
•Approval was given to authorize County Engineer Ron Gregg and Airport Manager Pam Schroeder to execute airport related agreements for state and federal grant agreements.
•Brent Kohn, highway, explained he has looked at four used steel drum rollers. He determined that a Wacker three-foot wide steel drum roller, which may be purchased for $2,700, was the best value. Rollers have been rented in past years and they have been looking for an opportunity to buy one at a reasonable price. Kohn said the roller could be paid for in about three years. The purchase was approved. Lentz voted no.
•Gregg gave an update on this year’s projects. The following lists a few of them: The in-town Wykoff project is 35% complete and is scheduled to be completed July 1. CSAH 1 paving (9 miles) is 85% complete. There was drive-on damage on the new paving; all of the cost for the repair will be assumed by the contractor. Chipseal projects start June 8. The parking lot replacement project for the office building will start June 8. Spring weed spraying is underway in the south half of the county.
•Auditor/Treasurer Heidi Jones reported that about 94% of the $17.7 million normally expected by May 15 has been received. The offered delay of first half property tax payments until July 15 has helped those who really needed it and those that were able to pay have paid.
•A joint powers agreement between the county and the state through its Department of Public Safety and the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension was approved for the county to receive funding to help make its records management system compatible with Minnesota National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) requirements. This includes an $8,000 reimbursement to the county. An invoice from Central Square in the amount of $8,000 for the NIBRS reporting system program was approved. This will replace an old outdated system used by the sheriff’s office.
•The Sentence to Serve (STS) contract was discussed. Jail Administrator Jamie Fenske said five people are currently in the jail, four are in the STS program. People in jail get approved to be on STS by the courts and at the discretion of the administration. Inmates can pay off fines through STS: a $500 fine can be satisfied by completing 50 hours of STS. If fines are satisfied, inmates can work off community work service hours and even work for a day for day credit off their sentence. The state pays the county $57.50 per day for each Institution Community Work Crew (ICWC) inmate. The state provides a crew leader.
•A Memorandum of Understanding with Avenu Insights & Analytics was approved. The county agrees to be a testing site for the development of property assessment software before its release. A nondisclosure agreement with Avenu Insights & Analytics was also approved.
County Assessor Jason McCaslin was appointed as the official voting delegate for Fillmore County for the Minnesota Counties Computer Cooperative (MCCC).
McCaslin proposed a policy to be followed during the pandemic for quintile compliance, which is required by the Department of Revenue. The policy aims to comply with state statute while doing assessment work to be accomplished in 2020 for 2021. The intent is to minimize contact with the public to help ensure the safety of the public and county staff. Staff will use alternative methods to collect information and verify measurements. The policy was approved. Approval was given to send out a letter to parcel owners requiring inspection, explaining the gathering of information from a distance and a request for interior information. The expected cost for mailing the letters is $2,500.
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