Mayor Sarah Schroeder called her last Spring Grove City Council meeting to order at 6 p.m. Tuesday, December 15, via Zoom due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Council members Chad Rohland, Scott Solberg, Travis Torgerson, and Karen Folstad were all in attendance.
Others present included: Julie Amundson, Spring Grove clerk/administrator; Gregg Skauge, Richard Sanitation; Trent Turner, newly elected Spring Grove City Council member/Spring Grove fire chief; Sean Young, EDA board member; Jordan Gerard, Caledonia Argus; and Charlene Selbee, Fillmore County Journal.
The council approved the agenda, minus number one under New Business, pay scale increase timetable clarifications.
The board moved to approve the consent agenda including minutes from the November 17, 2020, regular council meeting; claims and accounts; Resolution 20-53 authorizing the transfer of funds; Resolution 20-54 assessment of unpaid utilities; Resolution 20-55 approving licenses and renewals; and Resolution 20-56 accepting CARES Act Funds.
Public forum
Being no public input regarding Truth in Taxation, the council moved to approve Resolution 20-57 approving the 2021 Levy.
Old Business
The council dedicated substantial time discussing the contract from Richard Sanitation, totes vs. bags. Each council member and Amundson summarized the text and Facebook messages, letters, and phone calls received from engaged citizens. All agreed that 50% were for the totes and 50% were for the yellow bags. Mayor Schroeder called for a motion. Councilwoman Folstad made a motion to stay with the bags. All in favor except for Councilman Solberg.
New Business
CEDA’s Rebecca Charles’s presentation on blight in downtown business districts and Spring Grove’s Vacancy and Blight Ordinance is rescheduled pending her schedule.
The council approved hiring firemen Joshua Meyer and Nicholas Bjerke. Solberg mentioned that one of the men was already trained.
The council approved the recommendation from city staff to hire part-time bartender Lauren Danielson.
Updating Chapter 520 to allow residents to own ducks in the city was tabled.
The council approved Policy 03-01 COVID-19 Temporary Federal Leave Policy – extending it through December 31, 2021.
No action required concerning General Order 102 – Use of Force and Deadly Force Policy – Updated December 9, 2020.
Councilman Solberg reminded the council that residents would check out ice skates for the entire skating season this year. Staff will be available to check out skates Thursday, December 17 from 3-5 p.m., Saturday, December 19 from 10:30-11:30 a.m., and Tuesday, December 22 from 3-5 p.m. at the hut. Hours will be posted on the city’s Facebook page.
The council is responsible for appointing a person to fill the vacant seat on the city council. The city will announce the empty chair and ask for citizens interested in the position to contact the city.
The council unanimously extended their thanks to Mayor Schroeder for her service to the community.
Committee reports
The only committee report was EDA, as the other committees did not meet in December. The new mayor, Scott Solberg, will make committee assignments at next month’s city council meeting. EDA’s agenda included a conversation about blight in the downtown district, the COVID-19 grant, and the hotel study. The hotel study is being finalized, and the document will be presented to EDA shortly. The next step will be to contact hotel chains. The business conducting the study will facilitate conversations with hotel chains at no additional charge.
The meeting adjourned at 6:38 pm. The next regular meeting of the city council is January 19, 2021, at 6 p.m. via Zoom. The public is invited to dial-in. Contact city call at (507) 498-5221 to be included in remote meetings.
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