Like every small town in Minnesota, Mabel Ambulance Service is struggling with ambulance coverage, Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and Emergency Medical Responders (EMRs) are needed, specifically, to cover the day shift. At the December 13 city council meeting, Mayor Wilder said that he along with City Clerk Karen Larson and Ambulance Director Sarah Mengis will be attending the Mabel School board meeting on December 19 “in hopes of them agreeing to allow staff members or students that might be interested in taking the class, take it and then also be allowed to be on daytime coverage and leave school if needed.”
Spring Grove Ambulance is hosting an EMT class starting in January. It is worth noting that all classes and training are paid for by the city. The class is put on by the Riverland Community College out of Austin. If you are interested, contact Mabel City Hall for dates and to register.
Mayor Adam Wilder called the regularly scheduled meeting of the City of Mabel City Council meeting to order at 6 p.m. The council unanimously approved the meeting agenda, the November 8 minutes, accounts payable, and the financial reports as presented.
Council members in attendance included Mayor Wilder, Valerie Arnold, Kiersten Wyffells, Cory Wilson and Tina Bakke.
City employees in attendance were City Clerk Karen Larson and Public Works Director Robert (Bob) Mierau.
After the Truth in Taxation hearing, the council adopted the final budget and set the levy at 3.11%. Larson noted that the proposed levy was 5.54%. The council also adopted the final 2024 budget. According to the spending graph, the city is allocating 4% to Park & Rec, 5% to Library, 2% Community Development, 1% miscellaneous, 2% legislative, 7% City Hall, 12% Administration, 13% Police Department, 4% Fire Department, 13% Ambulance, 2% EMS, and 35% street department in 2024.
The date for the joint board meeting with the Mabel-Canton School Board and the Canton City Council was rescheduled for January 17, 2024, at 6 p.m. The meeting will take place at in Mabel at the school.
Larson shared the 2024 garbage/recycle calendar with the council. She noted that during the first week of January, pickup is scheduled on Thursday, January 4, instead of Wednesday, January 3.
The council unanimously approved that the library could reinvest their funds in a bank of their choosing.
Larson shared the EV charging data report with the council. From November 2022 to October 2023 the charging station was used 23 times for a total of 590.919 kilowatt hours (KWh). The council all agreed that it is nice to see the station being used.
Wyffells presented the monthly EDA report. She noted that all loans are current. The Sony Pro projector purchased with Arlin Falck funds is in and needs to be installed. EDA proposed raising the community center rental rates. EDA is proposing that the main room for weddings be raised from $500 to $600. For the large meeting room with the kitchen it would be $150, and $90.00 for the meeting room without the kitchen. The security deposit is $200, and goblet and wine glass rental increased from 25 cents to 50 cents per glass. The non-profit rental rate will remain the same. The council unanimously approved the new rental fees effective January 1, 2024.
Mierau reported that he has heard concerns that the noon siren that goes off every day is very loud. The council agreed that the siren would be turned off for 30 days to see what feedback they received from residents. Mierau does not feel that there is a reason to sound the siren every day. The storm testing siren will still go off on the first Wednesday of each month. It was agreed that the sound of the siren needs to remain at the same level so everyone in town can hear it.
In other business, the council:
• Approved two zoning permits. One for Duane Falck, 102 W. Prairie Ave. and one for the Toot & Whistle Boys, 308 Fillmore Ave. E.
• Approved the Small Cities Development Program grant contract, the Residential Anti-Displacement and Relocation assistance plan, the Prohibition of Excessive Force policy, HUD’s certification for a Drug-Free Workplace, and the Section 3 plan.
• Authorized the end-of-the-year transfer of city funds.
• Approved the Mabel prosecutor agreement with the Fillmore County Attorney.
• Approved the Earned Sick and Safe Time policy as mandated by the State of Minnesota.
• Adjourn the meeting at 7:06 p.m.
The next regularly scheduled Mabel City Council meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, January 10, 2024, at the Mabel Community Center, 201 South Main Street, Mabel. For questions, contact City Clerk Karen Larson at (507) 493-5299 or The meeting is open to the public
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