To the Editor,
Here is one reason to support Sarah Kruger as our next state senator. On three separate occasions, Minnesota voters have approved a constitutional amendment dedicating a portion of state lottery proceeds to finance the Environmental and Natural Resources Trust Fund. Currently, the Republican-led Senate is placing these funds in jeopardy by redirecting these funds to waste water infrastructure, which are capital projects that should be part of the state’s bonding bill. I am very concerned about the conservation of our natural resources, for once they are gone, they are gone forever, or nearly impossible to bring back. Minnesota pays for wastewater facilities through bonding revenue. Therefore, the Republican-led Senate should do what we know already works — pass a bonding bill and not steal from constitutionally protected funds. Sarah Kruger would work to protect our environment. She knows how to do the right thing without playing shell games; I don’t see Senator Miller stepping up to the plate. This is one reason I’m voting for Sarah Kruger in November.
Harvey Benson
Harmony, Minn.
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