Letter about cyber security…
To the Editor,
I’m taking a cyber security course. The instructor is an ethical hacker who has interesting stories. The stories alone are worth the time of the class. He doesn’t like the Russians and the Chinese. I can’t say for sure that he doesn’t like them because I don’t know his conscience, but there is no indication that he does like them, especially the Russians. One person told me that it isn’t Russians that he doesn’t like, but it’s the Russian government. I say that you can’t blame a Russian’s behavior on his government. It’s individuals that are hacking and destroying infrastructure. Even if they are working together, they are each responsible for their own actions. Many Nazis tried blaming Hitler for their behavior using the excuse that they were just putting food on the table. If I must choose between participating in evil or eating then I must starve. The scriptures give me no choice. There is no place in God’s Word where He gives anyone a pass. He is just and I must stand up for truth even if it causes my demise. But this poor Russian hacker doesn’t have the Christian scriptures so perhaps his behavior isn’t his fault. Besides, he’s just trying to put food on the table. It’s unfortunate that these cultures don’t have God’s Word to teach them that He is omnipotent, holy, and just and that someday He will wield His judgement upon them. It’s just a matter of time.
Gerald Wolf
Spring Valley, Minn.
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