To the Editor,
Replace Senator Jeremy Miller with Sarah Kruger who will actually negotiate for our jobs!
If we can peel our eyes off Trump and Biden there is a crucial battle to notice at the St. Paul Capitol. In a time of economic depression due to COVID, Minnesota elected Republicans have blocked 30,000 jobs in our state, according to Pioneer Press. This is the minimum number of jobs attached to our biennial state bonding bill HR3 which would spread nearly a billion dollars across the state. The money is for road and bridge repair and public works projects in numerous Minnesota towns, including Chatfield, Winona, Lanesboro.
Jeremy Miller is one of the leaders of this movement. He and other Republicans have no dispute with cost or content of the bill. Instead, they’ve chosen to sacrifice all these needed jobs and safety measures in a turf fight with Governor Walz. Due to Trump refusing pandemic leadership, all governors across the country have needed to declare emergency measures for public health. Jeremy Miller and Minesota Republicans think our state should take the radical, risky path of removing that leadership through an ultimatum: jobs only if emergency powers end. What happened to negotiation? Vote out Miller and all Republicans who punished our labor force in their turf battle! Vote Sarah Kruger, she’ll negotiate!
Jane Skinner Peck
Lanesboro, Minn.
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