The Houston School Board reviewed the updated June 2022 college and career readiness scorecard for Houston High School at their July 7 board meeting. Administration at the school participated in this program and gathered the information reported. This scorecard provides information about the class of 2022 and will be used for comparisons at later dates to see how the school is doing.
The scorecard for the class of 2022 showed that 75% of the class had a GPA of 2.8 or better; 77% earned C or higher in algebra II; 56% of the class took AP courses with 88% earning post secondary credits.
Attendance was excellent with 91% of the class present 90% of the time or better. Seventy percent of the class have been involved in at least two activities each year of their high school career. Realizing that volunteering is essential to career readiness and is often difficult for rural students, the school provides several opportunities for volunteerism during the school day each year. Attendance, co-curricular involvement, and volunteerism all contribute to career readiness.
ACT benchmarks showed the class of 2022 was at 58% in English, 33% in math, 42% in reading, and 42% in science. While the 33% in math was concerning, the school has added a math class for struggling students and changed the curriculum recently. This scorecard will help staff to determine the efficacy of the recent changes when the next scorecard comes out.
The scorecard for industry credentials earned showed 0%. Apparently there was some debate on what that consists of; this will need to be worked on.
Overall, the class of 2022 showed 75% at college ready, 81% at career ready, and 66% ready for both. Other schools in the area that participated in this study include Spring Grove and Kasson-Mantorville. Houston School will help present to other schools beginning the study this year; Houston data from this year will be used as an example during the sessions.
Additional building expenses
Custom Alarm proposals for security systems at the two recently purchased buildings were accepted by the council. Both the East Campus, formerly the ABLE building, and the Hurricane Hub, formerly the Catholic church, will have fob security systems with costs of $8,725 and $3,915, respectively.
The estimate from LaCrosse Glass Co. of $17,002 was accepted for the removal and replacement of the stained glass windows and a door at the Hurricane Hub. The stained glass windows will go to former members of the St. Mary’s congregation.
Yearly renewal of memberships
The council quickly accepted the renewal of memberships in the MSBA (Minnesota School Board Association); MREA, an association for rural Minnesota schools; SSC (Southeast Service Cooperative); and the SSC Employee Assistance Program.
Continuation of HVED services for the coming school year was approved, but the board will continue to explore the possibility of other options for the following year unless the fee schedules are changed. Recently, Houston has needed to hire additional staff to provide for their students since they were not receiving needed services from HVED. If the board decides to leave HVED, they need to notify HVED earlier in the school year.
Other business
In other business the board:
• Completed a first reading of handbooks; they will be finalized and approved at the August meeting;
• Noted the filing dates for school board from August 2 to August 16–positions held by Tom Stilin and Gene Lundak are up for election;
• Approved purchase of Dell computers for the business lab for the budgeted $25,830;
• Accepted a memorandum of understanding to add an extra-curricular position of student council advisor for both MNVA and Houston High School;
• Heard reports on fundraising efforts and field trips conducted by the school this year;
• Learned that changes continue to be made to the onsite crisis plan; administration has reached out to other schools as well to discuss the plan;
• Kept user fees for extracurriculars the same for next year; an available grant may coverthe fees for students participating in non-revenue producing activities.
The next Houston School Board meeting will be August 4 at 6 p.m. in the high school media center and streamed online; the public is welcome to attend.
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