The Houston County Commission held an emergency meeting on Friday, August 6, 2021, at 9 a.m. to discuss a recommendation by John Pugleasa, Houston County Public Health, and Tess Kruger, Houston County personnel director. Pugleasa and Kruger recommended that the county follow CDC guidelines and require all employees to wear masks whether they are vaccinated or not. The consensus of the commission is that they support the CDC recommendations and will leave it up to each employee to decide whether to wear a mask or not. Therefore, the commissioners are not going to enforce a mask mandate for employees.
Commissioners Dewey Severson, Eric Johnson, Robert Burns, and Greg Myhre attended August 10, 2021, meeting of the Houston County Commission. Commissioner Teresa Walter was on vacation. Chairman Burns called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m. and led board members and attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioners approved the meeting agenda, August 3, 2021, minutes from August 6, 2021, emergency board meeting, and the Consent Agenda. There were no public comments. The meeting adjourned at 9:41 a.m.
Action items
Commissioners approved Change Order No. 13. Wieser Brothers will coordinate and manage the installation of a Hydro Tek Hot Water pressure washer at the new highway facility. Commissioner Severson asked about the change order fee, which is $900.74, as he is concerned about the added cost to the project from all the change orders. Commissioners also approved Change Order No. 14, installing lights to the hoop shed. Johnson mentioned that this was an afterthought and will cost $5,095 plus $509.50 for the change order fee.
On behalf of the Houston County Economic Development Board (EDA), Allison Wagner, CEDA, recommended that the commissioners appoint Matt Vetsch to the EDA Board. Vetsch works for the City of Hokah and will be an asset to the board. The Commissioners unanimously approved Vetsch to a three-year term on the EDA Board.
Commissioners approved the bid for $50,600 from Fowler & Hammer for the Historic Courthouse entrance stair project. The County budgeted $71,510 and received five proposals, the highest being $138,000. Johnson wondered why no local contractors had bid on the project, but no one had an answer.
American Rescue Plan dollars
During the commissioners’ reports, the conversation centered around possible projects for the American Rescue Plan dollars. Projects mentioned include the food shelves, which can always use food. In addition, Semcac has access needs. At the Soil and Water meeting, it was suggested that counties set aside money for clean water projects. Commissioner Myhre asked how many accessible bathrooms are in the courthouse? No one is exactly sure, but it is believed there are two. Myhre informed commissioners that it is impossible to get a wheelchair in the second-floor bathroom and wondered if the American Rescue Plan funds could be used to remodel the second-floor bathroom, making it accessible.
Houston County Fair
The Houston County Fair is August 18-22. It was mentioned that there is a need for homemade fruit pies in the 4-H food stand at the county fair. Unfortunately, the baker contracted with to make the pies had difficulty obtaining fresh fruit, and her staff got COVID-19, making it impossible for her to fulfill the contract.
Next meeting
The next meeting of the Houston County Commission is Tuesday, August 24, 2021, at 9 a.m. in County Board Room 222 in the Historic Courthouse, Caledonia, or via the County’s conference call line at (312) 626-6700 and entering meeting ID: 994-7297-7175 and password 368422.
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