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The Fillmore County Board held its annual meeting on January 5. County Administrator Bobbie Hillery called the first meeting in 2021 to order. Three commissioners were reelected in the November general election. Judge Matthew Opat administered the oath of office to Marc Prestby, Larry Hindt, and Mitch Lentz who are each beginning a new four-year term.
Commissioner Randy Dahl was elected chairman and Lentz was elected vice-chairman.
Relief grants
Applications from businesses and non-profits will be accepted from January 6 through noon on February 1. The county has received $405,493.07 in grant money from the state. Applications can be emailed to bhillery@co.fillmore.mn.us or dropped off at the administrator’s office in the courthouse. Questions should be directed to EDA director Chris Hahn, chris.hahn@cedausa.com or to bhillery@co.fillmore.mn.us or by calling (507) 765-4566.
The maximum grant amount is $10,000 or may be based on the number of submissions received. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. Commissioner Marc Prestby asked that staff reach out to anyone submitting an incomplete application to collect necessary information so it may be accepted.
Businesses are eligible that were impacted by state executive order related to COVID-19. Those that have applied before are eligible. Commissioners wanted to reach businesses that did not apply or did not receive funding from the first round of grants.
The State of Emergency due to COVID-19 was extended for the tenth time to February 2. Hillery explained the declaration allows the county to hold virtual meetings, allows for county employees to work from home (outside of its normal telecommuting policy), and makes it eligible for certain funding streams.
Other business in brief
• Approval was given to advertise for three Surface Reconditioning Projects on CSAHs 18, 23, and 25.
County Engineer Ron Gregg recommended and received approval to accept the lowest of four bids for the Concrete Overlay Project on CSAH 21. The lowest bid was from Croell, Inc. in the amount of $2,596,403.09. Approval is pending on the receipt of all required paperwork. The engineer’s estimate for the project was $3,046,984.
• Numerous annual membership dues to various associations were approved. The first quarter payment to Olmsted County Community Services for Dodge-Fillmore-Olmsted Community Corrections 2021 appropriation in the amount of $105,918.25 was approved.
Minnesota Counties Intergovernmental Trust (MCIT) payments for Workers Compensation and Property/Liability renewal for 2021 were approved; the total amount for both is $288,909.
• A request to retire from Janice Baker, RN, following 21 years of services was accepted with thanks, effective February 18.
• A change in status was approved for Breanna Johnson, from a two-year RN to a four-year RN, effective January 8. She has completed her four-year RN degree.
• A job description for auditor/treasurer was approved to be submitted for classification.
• A request to retire for Dale Egge, facilities maintenance, was approved with thanks following seven years of service, effective April 1.
• A resolution was adopted to dedicate 30% of the balance of tax forfeited land sales to be set aside for maintenance of the county’s parks or recreational areas.
• Elected officials salaries were set for 2021. Commissioners will receive $25,186.86 which is a 2% increase. County attorney will receive $121,300. County recorder will receive $75,850. The sheriff will receive $110,205. The chief deputy’s salary was set at $94,566.
• Approval was given to use the county website www.co.fillmore.mn.us as an alternative method to disseminate solicitation of bids.
• A motion was approved to pay for flu shots for county employees in 2021 as an employee benefit.
• Designation of bank depositories for 2021 is F & M Community Bank.
• Approval was given to pay each of the seven community ambulance services $4,500 for 2021. This has been an annual payment to the ambulance services.
• Government Management Group was contracted to prepare Fillmore County’s Central Services Cost Allocation plans for 2020, 2021, and 2022. The fee for this year’s service is $5,250. This is how the county can get reimbursements from the state for administration costs for social services.
• The 2021 non-union pay plan was adopted with a 2% adjustment.
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